Coming with Future PTR Updates

Duration is fine, you can play HC and never encounter this debuff, just don’t be a coward and run away.

INB4 a new niche variation of HC is created where you have to maintain the debuff to be “Real Hardcore”

How about this: the « Coward » debuff doesn’t reduce your stats but it prevents you from grouping up with any other players and it also lasts indefinitely. The only way to remove it is to regain your honor by winning a Duel to the Death.

overall seems very good but am I the only person who thinks we should be able to further customize death notifications?
Why only the guild I"m in? if I want to see every death at every level, why not?
if i want to customize it to see only guild deaths that’s fine, but why would this be the standard?


Death Notification to Guild Only should be the standard or default setting though I do agree it would be great to be able to change it so I can see what I want.

While I would like to see everyone’s death, I have a feeling that will be very spammy for the first few months.


The current stats penalization on it is perfect and is incredibly punishing.

  • That’s 3 days of you not wanting to play that toon, even more days if the timer pauses when you logout of that toon. People who see that you are a Coward aren’t going to want to group with you (unless they’re really close friends willing to risk their toons) cause they’ll be doing all the work.

Permanently removing grouping isn’t as harsh as you might think. I run around soloing most things that I can and if I can’t solo it, I’ll skip it. A Coward debuff on me that prevents me from grouping means nothing to me, especially with a 24-hour dungeon lockout. It also means nothing to players doing that SSF challenge.

This has the potential to be exploited by everyone making the punishment of any debuff void.

for sure it would be, but if you can customize it to your liking, already fixed.