Coming back... Which realm to choose?

Whether that’s called “Cross-Realm Zone”, “Cross Realm”, “Connected Realms”, IDC!

My MAIN point was there are no OTHER servers on BB OUTSIDE of BGs, PERIOD!

ONLY AFTER you wanted to say that I’m “wrong” for saying:

Temporary and permanent aren’t similar. They are opposites.

IDC if they’re “temporary” nor “permanent”, NONE of that EXISTS on BB OUTSIDE of BGs.

Even so, BOTH situations STILL have OTHER servers “together”. IDC if it’s “temporary” nor “permanent”, HENCE SIMILARLY!

Cross-Realm Zone (DESPITE being “temporary”) HAS other servers together.

Just like Connected Realms (DESPITE being “permanent”) HAS other servers together.


This isn’t constructive nor is it helpful in addressing the original poster’s question. You provided inaccurate information and they were supposed to assume what you were attempting to state as well?
Be better.


It is. I let them know that BB has no other servers either CRZ’d and/or CR’d to it OUTSIDE of BGs, as they were under the assumption that ALL realms were.

I did not. BB is NEITHER CRZ’d NOR CR’d (WHATEVER the HELL you want to call it!) OUTSIDE of BGs.

Perhaps, and if they didn’t, THEY should be the one to approach me with their confusion, not you two. And, if you wanted to be more clear for the OP, you should respond to the OP and NOT me.

Take your own advice.

For the love of all that is holy…

PLEASE let the servers come back up already!

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Thanks, I was trying to remember if we were still on the weekend or …
oh my, what happened to Monday?

Mankrik cluster for PvE
Whitemane cluster for PvP

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It is over for the week, thank God…

it was rough.

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