Coming back... Which realm to choose?

I’m looking for a very populated server where groups are easy as pie to find. Prefer PvE, but will play on PvP if my faction is super dominating (prefer not to be ganked).



Good luck!

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Oh, so all the PvE realms are connected now?

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Yes. I play a Warrior on Pagle and the lowbie areas, for example, are extremely busy.

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In certain groups, yes.

Except Bloodsail Buccaneers (yes, it’s classified as “RP”, but it plays by PvE server ruleset). BB is still CRZ-less. But, it’s home to mostly HC players. There’s a small group of non-HC still roaming around, so GL!

Wrong. BB is cross realmed for pvp battlegrounds, just like every other Classic Realm.

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Yeah BGs is the only cross-realming going down.
The clusters are connected or permanently linked servers (their dbases have actually been merged) unlike CRZ which is part of the same technology but is done (in retail) on a temporary basis.

You know what I mean :roll_eyes:

BGs were ALWAYS crossed-servers. Even BEFORE the split happened.

We’re talking about OUTSIDE of BGs!

Don’t be misleading.

EDIT: It’s like telling this person that they’re “wrong” because in BGs, they were ALWAYS connected or crossed-server or whatever.

Again, don’t be misleading.

The only one being “misleading” here is you and your insistence on using terminology incorrectly or ignoring the appropriate definitions to substitute your own.

No. Y’all are being unneccessarily nitpicky about it (and playing semantics) and purposely being misleading, when nobody was talking about BGs.

CRZ or CR still functions the same as multiple servers come together and function as one.

Same with the Squelch and a Silence BOTH silencing one’s account.

Same with “fresh” serving multiple layers of functionality but ultimately leading back to the concept of “fresh”.

Now stop playing semantics and stay focused on the subject at hand which is in fact BB is NOT CR’d OUTSIDE OF BGs! And this is TRUE!

You HAD to latch onto BGs in order to say I’m “wrong”, when I’m not.

You are dead wrong. I explained this in the other thread:

The only Cross-Realming that is in Classic WoW is for Battlegrounds and this is the case for every Classic realm.

Realm Connections are the clusters that we commonly refer to. Such as the PvP West (‘whitemane cluster’ 10 realms), PvE East (‘mankrik cluster’ 5 realms), or the two PvP East clusters that comprise 13 realms.

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Hey, OP, sorry but according to some (not all) folks, we’ve been CR’d since BGs were released in Classic. Just some (not all) servers are “more” CR’d than others, OUTSIDE of BGs, now.

Sorry, I didn’t specify :roll_eyes:

Short answer:
Whitemane PvP
Mankrik PvE
Otherwise, it’s Bloodsail Buccaneers for HC. Also, new official hardcore server(s) soon.

Have fun!


There’s non-HC on there, as well. They had TWO ZG groups, today 'cause ZG is super popular.


Cross-Realm Zone, Cross-Realm, Connected Realm, WHATEVER the HELL you want to call it, STILL functions the same OR similarly, to one another.

IDC (and neither does the OP, I think) how SPECIFIC EACH of these words mean NOR was it the topic of the conversation.

Are OTHER servers visible on BB OUTSIDE of BGs? The answer is NO. We don’t need to change this into an ENTIRE debate of the type of NAME we should CALL it.

The point is, NO other server name is visible on BB (OUTSIDE of BGs), PERIOD!

Yes. You were wrong. We’ve demonstrated this in multiple threads now and yet, instead of being gracious for learning something new, you choose to persist in your ignorance claiming falsehoods in place of the truth.

Are OTHER server names VISIBLE on BB OUTSIDE of BGs?


So, I’m right!





I’m not going to be “grateful” towards somebody misrepresenting what I’m ACTUALLY saying and using strawman arguments as a “gotcha”, when we were NOT talking about the differences between Cross-Realm Zones, Cross-Realm and Connected Realms, in the FIRST place!

YOU are the one that made the claim saying they were the same. You were wrong, corrected, and now choose to throw a tantrum over it.