Coming back after MoP - A bit overwhelmed

Title is pretty accurate. Raided fairly heavily in MoP and really enjoyed it, but ran out of time to play. Life got in the way as it often does.

Today I was able to log back in and jump back in after all of that time off. After the intense wave of nostalgia hit, I realized that I had no idea what the heck I was doing, or where to even start.

I guess my question is pretty simple: Where do I start? All of my characters are level 35 and I don’t particularly want to boost one, I’d rather play through the leveling experience. Just completely unsure of what all has changed (I know it’s more than I can expect in a response here, obviously), and where/how to start with the leveling.

I’m playing on Runetotem (US) - Horde

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

You probably won’t have Chromie Time unlocked, which will limit your questing options a bit. (Chromie Time lets all the older expansions scale to level 50, where without it, they’ll stop scaling earlier.)

The first place to start will be the Warchief’s Command/Hero’s Call board. It will have the starter quests for various expansions. It only shows 3 at a time, so sometimes you have to “dig” to find the one you want by picking up the ones you can see (and the abandoning them once you get the one you want.)

Because Warlords of Draenor will stop scaling at 40, it’s probably not a good option for level 35 characters. To start WoD, you’ll want the “Tanaan Jungle” option from the Warchief’s Command/Hero’s Call board.

Legion stops scaling at 45, but the XP penalty starts off gradually, so it can be used to get high enough to start Shadowlands. If you’re interested in any of the Legion allied races (Highmountain Tauren and Nightborne for Horde and Lightforged Draenai and Void Elves for Alliance) leveling in legion will help get you started. The starter quest on the Boards will be labled “The Broken Shore.”

BfA will scale naturally to 50. Without Chromie Time, it’s also the only one that you’ll have access to dungeons using the dungeon finder. As with Legion, if you’re interested in any of the BfA allied races, it’s a good expansion to choose. (Mag’har Orcs, Zandalari Trolls, and Vulpira for Horde. Dark Iron Dwarves, Kul Tirans, and Mechagnomes for Alliance.) As a special note on the Alliance BfA allied races, they will require dungeons, which you’ll lose group finder access to at 51. So, if you want to unlock them, it’s a good idea to level lock at 50. Horde doesn’t run into this. To start BfA, you’ll pick up the quest from the Herald NPC next to the Warchief’s Command/Hero’s Call board instead of the board itself.

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This is really helpful, thank you very much!

I also do have access to Chromie time, which is a nice surprise!