If you believe in that stuff, I guess it depends on whether she was doing it all on purpose or whether she was actually insane.
Chemicals hit some people real bad. Real, real bad. You will have 9 in 10 people who can drink themselves stupid and be fine the next day except for a hangover. And then there’s that other 1 in 10. It like, breaks their brains.
If any of that religious stuff were true, I would not be shocked if that 1 in 10 were husks and the drugs straight up evicted their souls.
have known people with real physical hormone disorders. This, along with emotional deprivation & neglectful body treatment leads to some real bad times & even death.
That’s intertwined with chemical balances and probability.
Some people when drunk get prophecy. Moses was a known wine drunk. A couple rich miners 1800s forward found their claims when angels or God set them to their mine.
She was never stable from what i’ve observed over 23 or so years. She’d tried to get my dogs killed by trying to make them bite her. That was back when she was normal crazy. Last few years was like, she’d get insanely drunk, blast music from her car, and randomly try to back into people as they passed. If that didn’t work, she’d go over to other neighbors houses and scream at them and then go stand in the middle of the road. When that didn’t work she’d just go driving around with her hand on the horn the entire time. I have no idea how she didn’t get yeeted into superjail over all this.