Combo Points, Stealth Bar, Combat Recognition Bugged

This KEEPS happening on my rogue and shutting down the game, rebooting, reloading ui, disabling all addons and reloading, re-enabling and reloading still does not work. Absolutely nothing solves the issue until I leave the zone I’m currently in and go to a completely different continent, and then go back and cross my fingers it doesn’t happen again.

So far, this has happened in Darkshore and Arathi as just the 120 world questing zones, and Drustvar. It leaves me unable to stealth because my stealth bar does not swap from the normal bar, it doesn’t show active combo points despite me pressing the abilities to generate them, it does not take me out of combat despite running hundreds of yards away without aggroing anything. Sometimes it will have me permanently stunned (has happened on my paladin in Arathi), where I can’t press abilities or mount up because I’m ‘stunned’ or ‘mounted’.


I’ve had this happen to me as well. During assaults, in the new raid, just out killing things. I hope they fix it soon. Not being able to do anything when it happens is the best, said no one ever…