Combining Voidform + Shadow Orbs

I’ve written a post on the subject, there are three core issues with Void Bolt rank 2. The loss of Void Bolt’s movement GCD is only 1 of them.


okay i agree…

Precisely what I said a bad design on their part. they didn’t fully design voidform to function by itself from the get-go like you said therefore its a bad design from the get-go.

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“Precisely what I said a bad design on their part.”

That doesn’t make that true. In fact there’s nothing to suggest that’s bad design at all. YOU think it is. It doesn’t have to stand up on its own, every single class gets balanced around the mechanics of azerite. It’s just that voidform is such a huge scaling increase on them. So it’s more visible when it changes.

Your statements of fact are not followed up with proper evidence to support them.

it is by nature tied to voidform. you get vodibolt once you enter voidform. voidbolt main function is to extend voidform.

the problem is that it removes your tiny movement window. why is there a window and I can’t reposition because I need to maintain voidfrom. see how it goes full circle back to voidfrom. Because voidfrom is the core mechanic of the spec.

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Gotta call stuff out when its due. This wasn’t the point I was making nor aiming to reply with, and this particular problem can be fixed pretty easily within voidform. It’s the other two that require more fundamental work.

Sorry, my bad i understood it as what I was talking about. but this is my take on it.

You can fix the movement issue by changing mind flay, something people have been harking on about needing for probably a decade at this point. Personally I don’t think cast while moving mind flay is a good idea, but if Void Bolt Rank 2 went live I’d quickly change my tune.

My personal opinion on bolt rank 2 is if we have to keep voidform’s current design and concept, then don’t break the bits of it that work with random passives nobody asked for.

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I loath the very idea of casting while moving. Its silly in concept alone. In practice, it feels awkward to play with (my opinion anyway), and requires additional consideration for balance purposes to avoid cheese and PvP issues.

I want Shadow to have these core aspects…

  1. Standard if you cast, you cant move.
  2. Dot damage play style focus.
    a. With alterations made via talents.
  3. Utility to control enemies like Silence, Fear/Stun, escape/prevent snares (Spectral guise).
  4. No long DPS cool downs, I like to manage my utility cooldown’s with Grip, Embrace etc.
    a. If anything, Ill take the Dark Archangel ability as a cooldown that acts like a hill/valley back and forth play style.

Maybe i’m asking too much lol.

From Cata:

Dark Archangel

Consumes your Evangelism effects, causing an effect depending what type of Evangelism effect is consumed:

Archangel (Evangelism) - Instantly restores 1% of your total mana and increases your healing done by 3% for each stack. Lasts for 18sec. 30 sec cooldown.

Dark Archangel (Dark Evangelism) - Instantly restores 5% of your total mana and increases the damage done by your Mind Flay, Mind Spike, Mind Blast and Shadow Word: Death by 4% for each stack. Lasts for 18sec. 90 sec cooldown.

As do I, but if we are put in a position where the SL Alpha state goes live, it would be needed.

If pretty much everything was done as Yvaelle outlines, we’d see most complaints vanish. I mean surely Blizzard realizes it’s not a content player that complains? You didn’t see me on the forums during Cata, MoP, or WoD, unless you count the beta requests I made for Shadow’s spell effects to be updated or repaired. You know why? Because I was happy. Sure there were quirks and design flaws to Shadow Orbs, that happens in any design.

But do not take 15 steps back, hand me a class that plays fundamentally different in a style that is very clearly a regression and then say “This is an improvement”. Because I spit food out that I find under-cooked and then usually remake it in a more digestible manner.

The sheer idea that Blizzard would force-feed us another 2 years of Voidform? Sorry. I consider them professionals and as professionals they have a certain standard and a duty to their customers which I will hold them to.

I also believe firmly that not many people are going to tolerate that without being both vocal, and wildly pissed off since no one LIKED Voidform even when Legion started. At this point, most will also just reroll to another Class until Blizzard finds that 1 Shadow Priest that says “This is fine.” and call it the entire community.

That or they’ll quit the game outright and not buy Shadowlands.


thank you so much . please say it louder for the people in the back. everything spot on.