Combining skills help

I’m sure this has been addressed, but I don’t think I know enough to find where. How would I do a macro that will cast Consecrated Flame, and then when it’s on cooldown, cast lightning bolt?

I’ve tried using /castsequence, which sort of works. It just doesn’t let me keep casting lightning bolt. Which makes sense once I learned what it was doing.

The other stuff I’ve tried simply doesn’t work at all once CF is on cooldown. Is there any way to do things like this? Where it casts X spell first, then Z spell while X is on cooldown?


Read the pins.

Your best option is to make Consecrated Flame a modified press with LB as the unmodified press.

/cast [mod] Heart Essence; Lightning Bolt

Shame, but thanks for pointing out what I missed!

I’m terrible at creating macros, but I made this one just now and it seems to be holding up. I came here to check if there’s any way I could shorten/tidy it up.

/castsequence [mod:shift,exists,@mouseover][mod:shift]reset=30/reset=90 Concentrated Flame, Bag of Tricks;
/use [nomod]Exhilaration;
/focus [mod:ctrl,@focus,exists][mod:ctrl,@mouseover,exists]
/stopmacro [mod:ctrl];

Exhilaration and CF/BoT wouldn’t work with the /focus(ctrl) portion at the top of the macro, but moving that /focus part down the bottom “fixed” it.

Concentrated flame has a 30 sec cooldown, and the Vulpera racial has a 90 sec cooldown. Functionally they’re pretty much identical, but both have a global cooldown so I had to figure out how to circumvent that.

It works fine while spamming it in a controlled environment, prioritizing mouseover>target>self, and doesn’t seem to get stuck on BoT like I feared it might; instead it switches back to CF regardless of whether I’ve cast BoT or not the second time (which is fine).

Had I failed to find a workaround, I would’ve just treated BoT as a heal and bundled it up with something like FD. e.g:

/use [mod:shift] Healthstone;
/use [mod:shift,@player] Bag of Tricks;
/use [mod:shift] Feign Death;

I don’t know anything about shaman, but I’m assuming something like this would probably work?

/castsequence [exists,@mouseover][] reset=30 Concentrated Flame, Lightning Bolt;

reset=30/reset=90 isn’t a thing. You can only have 1 timed reset per cast sequence. Also, that condition is how long since you’ve last pressed the button so the only CD you should care about is CF. Finally, castsequences automatically cycle back to the first spell when you cast the last spell in the sequence.

/stopmacro [mod:ctrl]; placing that at the end of the macro does absolutely nothing.

/castsequence [mod:shift,@mouseover,exists] [mod:shift] reset=30 Concentrated Flame, Bag of Tricks; [nomod] Exhilaration
/focus [mod:ctrl,@focus,exists] [mod:ctrl,@mouseover,exists]

I wasn’t sure if that was the case or not. I kept that “…/reset=90” portion in there because it wouldn’t work without it; I tried to remove it, but it would get stuck on BoT the second time around if I only included the one reset=30.

Yours works lovely though, thanks! Mine was probably so badly written that having two resets broke something else that was broken, thereby making it work. Just imagine me running around in-game, mashing that old macro and feeling proud about myself, because that’s what would’ve happened if I didn’t seek feedback first: “Omg, this double-reset macro is perfect!”

Castsequences are a mess in general. I strongly recommend not using them. Especially with spells that have charges like CF.

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