Combat/outlaw rogues What

Okay, don’t get me wrong I love combat rogues but when is blizzard going to go back to how combat was?

One of the things that erks me about current combat rogues is the pistol abilities.

Where am I getting the gun from??? It just appears out of no where and then BOOM. I have a gun or a cross bow. like What?

I feel like this spec is very poorly designed or designed wayyy to rashly.

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It’s magic. You pull it from Hammerspace like Bugs Bunny.

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tbh one of the reasons i kinda dont wanna play combat because like how and where am i getting this crossbow/gun from ?

If you look at the animation when you click the spell it literally just looks like it appears out of no where

How did this get passed alpha?

Use your imagination.

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It happens fast enough most people don’t notice. Especially when they are usually concentrating on other things like the enemy, their placement and cooldowns. It’s just not a priority thing that they make such a brief and frankly unimportant animation look perfectly realistic.

If it helps your suspension of disbelief have your Rogue always wear long sleeves and imagine the pistol or crossbow is spring loaded and mounted to their bracer.

i just find it hilarious, like im supposed to be a rogue, an assassin of some sort, and a combat rogue is supposed to be a fisticuff rogue, but then boom i take a gun out of somewhere and shoots you.

so like if i have a gun or a crossbow hidden somewhere why do i need to get in melee? why cant i just shoot them?

Because it fits into the theme of an outlaw or pirate that the spec is going for. Early flintlock pistols from the era that pirates and highwaymen are most famous for weren’t very powerful. A good heavy coat could often stop a pistol ball. They were also notoriously unreliable and slow to reload. There’s a reason most soldiers still carried swords right up to the 1900s.

A pistol or tiny crossbow like rogues use just doesn’t have the lethality needed to kill anyone reliably. So they still mainly use their swords and keep the pistol as an extra weapon of opportunity.

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If thats the case then why cant outlaw/combat rogues use range weapons?

Because you are supposed to be a swashbuckling swordsman swinging in and dazzling your opponent with your speed and dexterity like the Scarlet Pimpernel or Zorro. Asking why they can’t use ranged weapons is like asking why a mage can’t. Because the fantasy doesn’t allow for it.

i miss old blade-fury being perminant. sure, sure, it was’nt very impactful since all you did back in MoP-WoD was apply poisons to your weapons, then poison everyone… but i enjoyed it. that playstyle was simple, yet fun to me.

Roll the Bones…
Roll the Bones…
Roll the Bones…
Roll the Bones…
Roll the Bones…

…ok, now you can play.


when is rogue/hunter getting a dual wielding ranged gunslinger spec

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Then why am i taking a gun out or a crossbow out randomly ???

Its implied you carry it around your belt. I mean where do i get my arrows from? Why can i summon my pet out of thin air regardless where i am? Why are some of my talents allowing me to literally spawn herds of animals from thin air?

Its an high fantasy video game, suspension of disbelief is needed.

Actually before you used to be not able to shoot without an ammo pouch with ammos or an arrow pouch without arrows.
I can deal with that more because you still can carry a bow or a gun

but as a rogue, where we cant use a range weapon then suddenly I can is tbh a little be stupid.

When i had arrows, Rogues could use Bows and Guns though.


Like, mages wave their hands around and BOOM somehow fireballs and stuff come out. Where does the fire come from? Sort of breaks my immersion cause in real life you can’t magically make fire.

Shaman turn into dogs. Why ghost dogs? Of all things it seems weird they just randomly turn into a ghost dog for some reason? I don’t get it.

Oh man, I don’t get it. I swing my sword and then these hammer things fly out of it. Where do the hammers come from? It is just so immersion breaking and not logical at all. Paladins are just unfun cause it makes no sense.

Other than you being a poor troll, the truth is everything in this game makes no sense cause it is a stupid game based on things that aren’t real. You’ll get over it.

Because that is part of the theme. Have you never watched a Pirate movie? Seen the hero battle it out with the villain with swords on the deck and the bad guy pulls a pistol out of his belt and shoots at the hero? The guns and crossbows the rogue abilities are modeled after are melee range weapons more than five to ten feet away and you aren’t likely to hit anything. The way an Outlaw rogue uses them is the way they were used in the real world by the people the spec is based on during the flintlock era.