Cinnamon Challenge is a semi-hardcore Alliance guild on Proudmoore looking for a few good men, women, or animals capable of keyboard acrobatics for our raid team! We’re currently recruiting for Uldir Mythic and beyond; we intend to hit content fast, crazy, and have a good time, and get as far as we can as quickly as we can. Basically, just like every other tier >_>
Tues/Thurs, 5:30 - 8:30 Server
We are 8/9N and 1/9H!
About Us:
We are a tight-knit guild with varying amounts raid experience; some of us have been raiding since Vanilla. While we’re not the oldest guild on the server, some of us have definitely been around for awhile, lurking and hanging out in Proudmoore’s seediest underbelly, waiting to crack terrible jokes mid-pull and make this exceedingly awkward for you.
The right people will have near perfect attendance and bring a goofball sense of humor and a willingness to constantly learn, improve, and contribute to the atmosphere of the guild. We do provide repairs, consumables, gems and enchants to our raiders, as well as a sweet, sweet tabard (and bank tabs!)
We’re currently looking for DPS and potentially a healer, with a focus on the following classes to bolster our roster for Dazar’Alor progression, through Heroic and up:
Warlock (Any)
Hunter (BM/Marks, pref)
Priest (Shadow or Holy/Disc)
Paladin (Ret/Holy)
Rogue (Any)
Though, we do encourage any applicants to apply if interested <3: https :// (remove the space near the beginning for the link to work!)
Want to know more? PM Lowmaine (Lowmaine#1845), Serinicas (Sildas#1733), or Skootalloo (Skoot#11317) in Bnet chat, or find someone in guild in-game and you’ll get pointed in the right direction.
(Please note that we are a friendly lot – unless you’re a raid boss – we’re also a pretty rowdy one at times, and we do ask that applicants be 18+)