Collector's Edition Pets

There is a difference between buying the CE in 2004 and wanting to buy it now. People who bought it back in vanilla were investing in something unproven and new. They didn’t know how long the game would last or what type of waves it would make in the gaming community. The game could have taken the same route as any other MMO and failed and shut down a few years after launch or dealt with huge content droughts the the player base dwindled to nothing.

Those who act like they deserve the ability to purchase it now because its “unfair” that others have something (that has no affect on the persons ability to play the game) that they don’t have access to are acting like children.

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This is ridiculous. They should resell the collectors edition. Forget your 15 year old purchase. Otherwise I want my Blizzcon loot from vanilla. MAKE IT FAIR BLIZZARD

They should just give everyone everything they ever got in vanilla to make it fair. Why stop at pets?

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Do you actually have blizzcon loot from 2005? If you have murky, you should get it in classic i think.

If not, well, that’s that.

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Thank you. I went a little cray trying to figure out how to get it to transmog.!!!

I worked my butt off for it