Collectors Edition pets

They’ve used much stronger language in regards to a number of items in regards to Classic. If we were talking about Retail, I’d agree with you.

My sense is that at the time the response was posted, the inclination of the Dev Team was to not have it carry over, but that they were holding off on a final determination for whatever reason. Hence “It probably won’t happen, but there is a very small chance they could change their mind.”

But then hope springs eternal and I’d kind-of like to have my CE Pets there.

I would love to have my CE pets in classic but I’m not holding my breath.

If they have a collectors edition classic then you’ll see it. The original collectors edition pets and stuff exist in “retail”, and the devs have been adamant that there will be zero crossover.

They said they didnt even think about it and it would be brought up to the team to ask since it was part of vanilla. Beyond that everything else on if its going to be in or not in is speculation.