Coldridge Company recruiting for Mythic+, Arena, BG/WPVP

Cool beans
If you whisper me and I do not reply right away, I am sorry. Sometimes I walk away to play with my 1 year old. :) But I always try to respond when I see messages! :)
Guild story updating soon!
Howdy! Barnight on sat will resume next weekend
Seeking active Rp-pvpers and pvpers interested in battlegrounds, rated battlegrounds and arena. No rating needed
Come check out our booth at the nightmare event tonight! Lore trivia
Still looking for more interested in PVP and RP
Bump for coldridge friends :)
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Sundays are battleground days <3
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Added to OOC and IC events section uptop ms Gold
I like to do wpvp!
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11/02/2018 12:01 PMPosted by Tins
I like to do wpvp!
Me too wanna join me durin dailies some time?
Oiy lads an' lasses, Weh Hammers had a fun time cleansing Drustvar with some of yall tanight. Long Live ED Community!
11/03/2018 09:03 PMPosted by Bargrim
Oiy lads an' lasses, Weh Hammers had a fun time cleansing Drustvar with some of yall tanight. Long Live ED Community!

We had so much, so glad we could all hang out and kill stuff together!
11/07/2018 07:18 AMPosted by Goldiwings
11/03/2018 09:03 PMPosted by Bargrim
Oiy lads an' lasses, Weh Hammers had a fun time cleansing Drustvar with some of yall tanight. Long Live ED Community!

We had so much, so glad we could all hang out and kill stuff together!
I ‘ope ta see ‘ow Battlehamma fights ‘ext time.
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Come join, wpvp night tonight!
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Be sure to join us for Mythics and Battlegrounds on the weekends <3


Join up with us folks, we have RP, and pvpers of a variety of experience levels, from 2400+ to unrated heroes.

We are also pretty chill.


Bumping. Still lookin for pvp focused players as well are Mercenary/Security RPers into wpvp

Today is normal BG day,