Cloud Serpents Tameable!

I’m really excited for the new tamable pets! I’ve wanted mammoths/elekks tamable for awhile. I’m also really happy that it looks like giraffes will also be tamable!

The only animals I can currently think of that I want tamable now would be beavers and raccoons. I’m sure I can think of some other animals if given enough time, though.

Anyway, really happy to hear the tamable pet news! :smiley:

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I’ve been looking at those camels in Uldum more closely since I saw one solo one of the tanklike bugs.

Cloud serpents are just a small hop away from full-fledged dragon taming … the resurrection of my UO bard is almost complete?

Damn Pokemon masters at it again.

As a Pandaren hunter, I am beyond excited for the possibility of tameable cloud serpents!! :star_struck:

Yes. I cannot flipping wait to ride one while having one to attack. Ahh, this will be glorious

Can we have those big yellow/green/orange/gray maggots be tameable (again, in the case of the green/orange ones)?

I happen to have a green and orange one from the brief time they were tameable in WoD, but I really want the yellow one. :frowning:

nice! now pandaren-hunters can rp as the pandaren who originally tamed those things!

interesting, griefing incoming by hunter trolls taming huolon and nalak…

more trash mount collectors have to deal with as if their 0.5-1% drop rates is something people enjoy…

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As it should be.

Any testers know if this is all specs of Hunter or BM only? I’ve not seen anything, yet, about that.

Can someone test if the Ephemeral Runner is tamable in beta?


The mount hunter in me HATES tameable mount dropping anything.

The hunter class player in me wants the heavenly blue serpent SO. BADLY.

But I would feel awful yoinking it from a mount hunter, I know that pain. I want it, but not like this.

Because people need more motivation to roll huntards, as soon as SL hits my hunter is going to the archives and staying there. Big numbers and achieving them with zero effort is great and all, but they are such a dull class to play.

Uhnoly can have one or two determinant minions. All DK’s can enslave undead for up to five(?) minutes. Still, if hunters are going to be able to tame undead, then the enslave undead ability should at a minimum last until either it dies, you die, or you log off.