Closed | The Ashen Court Discord

No songbirds can be purchased at the eatery, but they will be served like any other customer if they come to make an order.


I think I’ll pay a 1 month sub on an alt account to come visit on a hunter with Eyes of the Beast on a birb.

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Meet the Farstriders…

Captain Ethan’tolas Everdawn

Ethan’tolas Everdawn is captain of the Everdawn, a thalassian cruiser that serves as part of the Farstrider’s naval fleet and protecting the waters of Quel’Thalas.

Everdawn is a bon-vivant, having preferred to dance, flirt and drink his way through life as a free spirit until the Third War brought death to his homeland. Rushing home, he found that his parents had been lost along with countless others.

Finding a badly damaged thalassian cruiser, he worked at getting her sea-worthy and set out to the ports of Quel’Thalas, seeking survivors and taking as many as he could along with him. He re-christened the ship the Everdawn, after his parents, and has re-made her into a gleaming beacon of the Farstrider’s pride and dedication.

I encourage any others to post info on their Farstrider characters below, especially if you are coming to Farstrider Friday this week!


The staff will be in at the Wayfarer’s Rest tomorrow evening! Come order a drink!


Due to IRL circumstances, this weekend’s Songbird Eatery has been cancelled. We do hope to see you on September 17th and hope you enjoy yourselves in Silvermoon now and then in the meantime.

News once again:

Songbird Eatery has stepped back to a once-per-month schedule, which will probably remain true through the winter and possibly change back to twice-per-month come spring. The Eatery’s next opening will be on Sunday, November 5th.

Cindergleam Reagents now has a recurring place on the calendar, also on a once-per-month schedule! Its next opening will be on Sunday, November 19th.

Farstrider Fridays are on indefinite hiatus, but anyone interested in ranger-themed RP is always welcome to pop in and post in our networking channels.

And also on the subject of popping in, our calendar is open to WrA-hosted events hosted in Silvermoon or elsewhere in Quel’Thalas! If you’re hosting (or interested in hosting) a tavern night, shopfront, party, ceremony, or other recurring or stand-alone event that fits our focus, let us know!

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