Closed recruitment for now

Our roster is looking very good! We are now just open to exceptional DPS with logs.

Bump bump!

Added you on Discord(Ameripho#2645). A friend and I are looking for a guild. Both with mythic raid xp and your days/times work perfect.

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We do mythic keys constantly and still clear heroic sepulcher if anyone wants to come game with us! We’re still accepting DPS with logs for season 4 heroics then dragonflight CE push.

I’ve accepted your friend request, Ameripho, in discord. I look forward to chatting with you!

Bumpity bump bump

We are welcoming all M+ and casual members! Come join in on all the fun!

Bumping! Casual and m+ folks welcome!

Look forward to having more folks joining the guild! :slight_smile:

Only looking to fill two more spots for ranged dps! Come join in on the fun!

Howdy all! We are looking for an enhanced shaman, with logs, for season 4 and Dragonflight then our roster will be perfect! <3

Open to any exceptional ranged dps. Mele, Healers, and tanks are closed <3

Come join in the fun!

What a great few off days we had this week! 10/11H on one day and jailer on another in only 7 pulls as a brand new guild! To say I’m proud is an understatement! Come join in on all the fun! - Open spots right now are Spriest and Ele Shaman

We couldn’t be prouder of our team! Newly formed guild clearing content immediately upon release bugs and all! Only two spots left if you wish to join us! We also do have a few spots open for folks who wish to join our bench. Bench players in Hardcore Carnivore CHOOSE to come with us or not! Totally up to you, but you would get first choice if we had a person out that night :wink: Come join in on all the fun!!!

LF Rogue and Spriest!

Spots are filling up fast! Come have some fun!

Bump it up!

Looking for a very talented resto shaman!

One more spot left! Come join in all the fun!