Clones coming back?

No pray, just pay.


In all honesty id be happy to do both pay and pray, just let us play! give us our characters back :rofl:


Let’s go clones clones


Please bring back the character clone service, I want to play my hunter again, I never wanted to play the expansions I lobbied for classic then took a break and found out they deleted my classic character without my knowledge. :sob:

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I don’t know about you but paying always got me much further than praying lol.


Haha at this point unfortunately Im doing both.

Seems a very callous thing to say also considering its entirely out of your hands.


Oh no sir please stop, don’t speak the language of logic to them.

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But then their heads will not esplode if I don’t use the path of logic friend.

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But you don’t understand, he’s telling us they’re not coming back?? HE told us, everyone go home now. :joy:

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Unfortunately a few sad people belive that they can stop people expressing their genuine desire to get their characters back, must be a sad life they live but in all honesty their trolling just leads to increased activity its kind of funny how they are working agaisnt themselves lol, regardless its even sadder to see how many people have suffered as a result of blizzards decision to just delete peoples characters from classic-era. Blizzard really needs to bring back the cloning service immediately, not just for the economic windfall they will capture but in all honesty they need to do right by their players who they affected with their poor decision.

Their statement at blizzcon at release was that classic would be supported as long as wow was supported, there werent any asterix or conditions, and straight-up deleting people’s characters is kind of terrible… Blizzard return peoples characters to them, restore the character cloning service!


same here man, im really hoping that we get some news in the coming updates, although im going to keep trying until i get my hunter back. :slight_smile:

What you gotta do is bring up a topic like your entitled to your characters back, telling them that classic was dead and that’s why you don’t clone etc…you gotta get the hot topics up and they respond back and forth bumping the threads for a few days so we don’t have to do the heavy lifting lol.


hahaha true, funnily enough however the 1-2 trolls seem to be psychologically unable to stop themselves from posting, which does make it a little easier :rofl:


Hail to the clones!


They’ll be back once you ask harder.


It seems to just be a matter of time at this point the support is growing exponentially


Yeah and the trolls are getting more active. I can smell their fear of the service returning, i bet theyll write so many angry letters to blizzard and thatll really show them.

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In all honesty you may be right about that, however hopefully blizzard just calms all the drama and makes a bost regarding the services return, it seems almost inevitable at this point… Im looking forward to it and would be a step towards quelling some of the recent drama with overwatch and the wow token… please blizzard bring back the character cloning service.

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They’ll be back for money.

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