Cloak Rank 12->13 Bugged? Need Help

I’m currently on the quest Reconstructing “The Final Truth”, my quest has been stuck on 1/2 pages after doing 3 nearly cleared visions. Everyone else in my group all 3 runs have been awarded pages except for me. I’ve put in tickets each time and Blizz says there is nothing they can do.

Unless I am understanding this wrong; is there something different you need to do for Rank 12->13/pages within the vision? To get 2/2 on this quest do I need to do 2 full clears? Loot certain things?

If anyone can point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it. I have wasted 3 vessels now and Blizzard will not help me.

PS: I tried abandoning quest and restarting it already, stuck on 1/2.