Cloak catchup is a JOKE

I think she’s referring to the corruption resistance once you reach level 15. You get currency for ~4 runs per week but only one grants an upgrade. #logic

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Same reason for everything bliz does lately…to keep you playing EVERY single day instead of just letting you get it done.
You can blame the “Im bored” group for the current state of affairs on this one.

This is literally the opposite of what it does. You guys have gotta stop letting your belief in the time played metric lead you to believe stupid things.

How does letting you only get two cores a week make you play every day instead of just ‘getting it done’ the first day and not playing the rest of the week?

If you think that its NOT about that then I got some land to sell you, LMAO.
you think those dailies just got there all by themselves for no reason?
Dude…go talk to someone who doesnt know better.

Theres no reason to do the dailies once you hit exalted because the assaults will give you enough currency to run the horrific vision at least once per week.

The lack of a limit would mean you’d keep playing every single day doing dailies to get the currency and run the visions more, not the other way around.

I think I said it best here.

Dude…go talk to someone who doesnt know better.

We done?

If you’re gonna cling to your illogical belief that Blizzard is encouraging you to play less to increase the time played metric, then I guess we are.

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