Clever use of RoP

Ok so I just started getting into pvp and got my 1400 doing RBGs and want to start moving to reg arena. I’ve noticed some cool things to do with Ring in BGs. Can you guys give me some cool things you’ve learned to do with it, both BGs, and Arenas?

Here are a couple examples of what I’ve seen.

Blocking the waterway entrance to waterworks in Deepwind Gorge

Blocking the railroad crossing going to lava in silvershard mines

Trapping people inside the starting rooms of arenas.

Bouncing people off the cliff at mid in eye of storm

Putting a ring on flags or nodes to keep people from capping

What are some that you like and find useful?

At the lumber mill in arathi basin if you ox kick doesn’t move them far enough, or they use a movement ability to try to get back on the cliff you can Ox Kick + ROP C-C-C-COMBO them off and it is the funniest thing.

I also run a personal tally of how many alliance I can kick off the bridge in ashran / alterac valley in one go.

I think my highest is 11.

Speaking of ashran, use it on the mage towers for easy clear out.

Warsong gulch you can block the tunnel with it

You can also use rop offensively to slap a ranged player off of a platform they are standing on.

Use it for entrapment to stop someone running / kiting you

any choke point to help kiting/running away from enemies

perfectly angled ring to keep knocking healer into a wall so it can’t cast or if you have 2 monks with coordination, bounce them between two rings, preventing them from casting.

edit: post below made me thing of ringing enemy disc priest’s power word: barrier.

Throw a ROP onto AMZ or PW Barrier that’s always fun as a counter.

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WW monk pops all their coolies on you, slap a ring down and dance inside to waste xuen / clone / woa uptime

Oh, for horde in AV, sitting inside our little towers, wait until the alliance just come around the corner to cap, then use ring to throw them all back on the ground. Bonus in that it takes them so long to get back up, ring has time to cool down.

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Fairly obvious but knocking enemies off raised areas in arenas…either DPS to relieve pressure or Healer to go for kill.

Can knock off bridge in Blades Edge, the ramp in Rolodrome or whatever it’s called and the two raised platforms either side of Tiger’s Peak.