Classic's success will forever change retail for the better

Its called ATVI quarterly financials . MAU have been drastically down for Blizzard games for for several quarters now


Seems like you answered your own question there. For me and a lot of other people, it’s bombing.


But classic grinding at least had a pay out and was not obnoxious . WQ now are pretty much meaningless, tedious and not fun


I hope Classic is a success and the people who are excited for it have a ton of fun! I hope in every sense of the way that they don’t change retail to how Classic was. Lol

Although making epics feel a little more epic again wouldn’t hurt!


Remember that when you spend an 1hr on horrible drop rates from cougars trying to get their paws to drop for a quest


Its bombing so hard they had to put out a cash shop mount every 2 months now
 Thats pretty sad

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And yet it was still much better then retail

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If you unsub you shouldn’t be able to post


That makes 0 sense

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But I can. Not really relevant to the conversation.

I bet you won’t put your money were your mouth is.

If you really think classic will do so well, then deposit your entire life savings, and all paychecks till it happens into bliz stock, and sell at the high.


Can’t take you seriously when you don’t know the difference between

then, than

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Because if you weren’t able to post without sub you won’t be posting the trash you’re saying with no proof

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I see a lot of opinions here OP. You have no way of knowing how well Classic will do or how many people are excited for it.

You want me to prove that I didn’t have a good time in retail?

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True that’s why im posting it now so it ages like fine wine.

Wrong forum.


tell him to put his money were his mouth is if he thinks it will do so well, time to invest in bliz stock options

Maybe to you . The reason they are throwing all these cash shop mounts out every 2 months is to boost revenue in this game that is dropping. Its no secret that WOW only makes money because of the cash shop . Its even been mention in teh share holders meetings that the biggest source of revenue for WOW is the cash shop. Since subs are drastically down, they have had to add more cash shop items to boost revenue in a year where ATVI already said was going to be pretty bad revenue wise

You do realize that is about 1/3 the entire active playerbase, yes?

Total active subs are roughly 1.5 to as high as 2 mil.

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