Oh my… touched a nerve did I? PS - Feral DPS beat Ret DPS in Vanilla, I get you started in TBC so you have a skewed view of things but this nonsense about hybrids vs pures never really applied. You’d have a point if we were talking about Balance Druids who can’t justify a slot even with buffing a bunch of Naxx geared Fire Mages, but eh, I’ll leave your delusions to you.
Vanilla larpers like you who kept the hybrid nonsense going well into Wrath are a large part of why classes like mine became so dominant for years: you idiots without a single scrap of knowledge kept pushing that hybrids were inferior so we just kept getting buffs we didn’t even need.
PS - There isn’t a single boss a Druid can’t tank in Vanilla.
It isn’t. And we can now configure a GearScore-like add-on to tally up stats and weights relative to the spec of the player, so we can see on the fly how good their gear actually is. Since so many Vanilla rotations are 1-2 button presses, you could probably add theoretical DPS on mouse-over too.
Now their is the best question i’ve seen. In Vanilla you “personally” spammed looking for group and after 30 mins of getting a group together, you didn’t look at gear and /kick. What did happen is you ran the dungeon with the group you had, if 1 person wasn’t up to par, you “helped” them learn how to play. If he was totally unfit (hunters/pets/ repeat mob pulling) you would kick and find a repalcement but only after attempting to fix “the player”.
This is why it was called an MMORPG… and in Vanilla 5 man / 10 man dungeons folks were social and helpful… Not this stupid cluster we now have with retail… oh kid missed a mob gotta /kick him…
“If add ons automate gameplay they’ll shut it down”
Otherwise no stance.
They discussed an addon for auto quest turn it and that it was contious because it saved time and automated the turn in. Specifically noted that there isn’t any conclusion but recognizing the the rules are fuzzy.
Nothing else. I don’t know how you drew a conclusion that there was a defense of the addon.
I mean you keep proving me right there’s no need to keep responding to me it just shows how much a donkey you’re being. Everything has been proven from video to audio and you’re still going out of your way to try and show out and out argue some one for the simple reason of pride or for what internet points.
+1 critical i surrender to you, you win.
You’re wasting time my guy you got an add-on to plan out on how to develop it further (if the author drops support)
And you’d want to check talents for things like “Improved X” or to ensure people had certain key talents. A lot of Vanilla talents were filler so you could easily keep track of Warlocks (for example) by looking for Ruin and Demonic Sacrifice.
You can rate gear on more than just ilvl, mods like GearScore have WAY more configuration options now.
You’re only as good as your gear and the buttons you press, not one or the other. And this is rich coming from Mr. Pure Classes. Either you want optimal play or you simply allow viable play, mixing and matching to be a child about it is silly.
Not a pure never have been, have an alt thats a pure made it to 104 with that mage… till i bored with him.
And you have no clue in Vanilla, you shall learn or should is say you will quit it by 18 and keep playing that thing you think is an MMORPG but really is just an RPG with other live people around whom you dont socialize with.
On this we definitely agree. I would say that the fact that you have to manually find groups in Vanilla makes player more willing to accept “less than perfect”.
And that is what made the game great, you got someone who wasn’t that great, you help him learn how to play and not kill you all. He learned and got better, you all got the satisfaction of seeing that player succeed.