That’s not what it does… so you’re good.
I hope Blizzard decides to make an announcement or a post about this addon to put it to rest.
i just showed a video with time stamps of what the add on is capable of doing out right, and explained why people don’t want it because of how it’s possible to develop it into something worse.
you even went out of your way to go to post
stop being a DONKEY please your just being unbearable.
You may not be judged in THIS version of the addon. That’s how retail evolved though, one little step at a time. Gear Score, then patch 3.3 started Looking For Dungeon, and then they add LFR. And pretty soon it’s a single player game again.
Look, if you want Classic Lite, then play retail and only level up to 60. If you don’t really want a Vanilla experience, stay on retail. A few of us really do want a Vanilla experience though. Blizzard, help us keep Classic, Classic.
what is this vanilla experience?
Another thread on this addon almost at 1k posts! Congrats to the addon author on your newfound fame and success!
The addon is great and will be a great addition to WoW Classic! Can’t wait to use it!!!
We formed our own groups and didn’t need an app to hold our hands.
There are a lot of bosses that make you limit your melee…
And I"ve played a Hybrid from day 1, PALADIN. 14 years living on it as my main. And sorry but your cat form does nothing compared to a fury warrior or a rogue… and if a highly skilled and geared ret can’t get a raid spot DPSing, then neither can you… lol. But yes you can tank 90% of raid bosses… just not all… That is why warriors get all the love and hybrids were kept down and will still be kept down… But i can live with that, now that i know it unlike when i first created my paladin and it told me i could DPS/HEAL/Tank, LOL
no one is stopping you tho, I dont get the outrage
So your hypothesis is that people are going to start advertising their groups, walk away to go do something else and then…
Just not get groups? Because the addon can’t invite people on its own. You still have to actually communicate with people.
Seriously, it’s like whack-a-gnoll. I and many others have repeatedly explained this and then someone sees that ridiculous video or a post by someone else who doesn’t understand it, comes here with their “brilliant and unique” argument and doesn’t bother to read any of our previous discussions.
Blizzard has already commented on it and said it’s fine. On Esfand’s stream, which he very casually forgot to bother mentioning after stirring the pot, the developers said “if it’s automating gameplay, we don’t like it to automating gameplay. But if it’s just helping you see the layout in a way that’s more comfortable for you, that’s exactly what addons are for.”
And note he said gameplay. I have some reservations about the automatic chat of it myself, but I believe the author has set a minimum interval of a minute and it definitely has a default of 90 seconds. And clearly Blizzard is okay with automatic chat, or DBM would be banned for calling out when you have debuffs and stuff.
Still have to whisper people, still have to talk to them.
The analogy I was using last night was comparing it to Recount/Details. All of the information for combat is in the log, are you against people who use those addons to figure out their damage? They both watch a chat window, pull relevant information and post it in a readable format.
Recount can’t tell you how to play better or automate your rotation. ClassicLFG cannont tell you who to group with or automate the group finding process. It’s literally a window that shows recent advertisements and posts a macro (that you have to write) once a minute at most.
Reporting people after Blizzard has already said it’s okay will only get you in trouble.
Come on, man. This hostility is so childish.
People like yourself may be many, but you’re not “purists.” These existed in the game back then. Meeting Stones used to AUTOMATICALLY find groups for a dungon for you before 2.0.1; Call to Arms used to do almost everything this addon did. The fact that these existed back then and you’re trying to have them removed now suggests we’re the ones who actually want “#nochanges.”
It’s available through the API. Actual botters use third party programs to enter input. If Blizzard doesn’t like what an addon does, they will remove its ability to function through the API, they won’t ban you. Unless you intentionally find a way around those restrictions that are clearly against the spirit of addons in general, which this is decidedly not.
No where anywhere has blizzard said that this addon is okay, they have said botting won’t be tolerated. And with this addon your botting the chat, no differently then when gold sellers spam chat with advertisements for gold. So yah you will be banned.
Do you have to communicate to FORM the group? If no, then its no go.
LF1M tank ubrs…/w im tank…invited…so much social
Classicast #32 with Esfand yesterday, WHILE we were having this discussion on the forums, they asked about addons like this. Timestamp: 2:30:25. ClassicLFG was not mentioned specifically by name, but their stance is exactly the one those of us defending the addon have been saying the entire time.
You showed the same streamer who used his Dark Iron Dwarf on BfA to showcase an add-on that’s already received updates and changes… you’re being silly.
I must be getting old because calling me a DONKEY is pretty weak levels of insult. But if you have to resort to barnyard animals I suppose have at it. Teenagers are cute.
YES. If you want to apply to a group with the addon, you click “apply” and the ONLY way for that to go through is for you to actually send a whisper to the leader.
It is not possible to apply to or be accepted to groups without communicating with the leader.
it is possible look at the video.
This is inaccurate. There are MANY differences between meeting stones/Innkeepers and this add on. It is disingenuous to pretend that are the same.
The addon, for instance, says it can check talents to ensure you can fill the roll. You could NEVER check talents in Vanilla, you had to rely on the player. Attunements were another. Now the author says he is removing the auto grouping/talents nonsense but if not then it WILL be broken.
what is wrong with checking talents?
and finish your thought.
Until its developed enough and we get enough people on the LFG addon we can basically ignore the rest of the server community and build are own groups then when the next upgrade comes out it will scan gear on any one attempting to join and you will have modifiers in it that will say they need x gear to be accepted. Thats what your really going for an addon version of this puke thing they have on retail… so you can push it onto classic with your whines.
Myself and i’m guessing alot of Classic players are dead set against this kind of monstrosity ever making it back ingame… and the start is allowing that kind of addon in.