
Or think it’s the devil to exclude in the first place. Many times I have been removed politely from a pug because the groups guildmate came online. I wish them luck and carry on with my day.

I don’t explode with rage thinking the game’s integrity is shattered if players are not forced to play with me.

thats fine but at least then its gonna be fair , you comparing 2 different things…

LFG was in vanilla, and is in Classic.

thats what im trying to say…

did you read the second part?

Doubtful across the board, you’d be quite ancient and beating some modern world records to be my grandfather. Thing is, your adamant disapproval of this mod and mods like it tell me you had no clue what the mod scene even was in Vanilla and you’re just another anti-addon “purist”

Vanilla had these things, I don’t know what else to tell you but you didn’t have a “classic experience,” you thought your shunning of or ignorance of such mods made them not real. You didn’t even have a “classic experience”! This isn’t YOUR server, and mods are simply part of the game.

Says the supposed old man who can’t handle the existence of API usage in his moddable game.

Oh look the same idiot streamer who screeched at an add-on being able to have party members with the add-on post text to chat made yet ANOTHER video using BfA to attack an add-on he doesn’t understand…

Its too late, I’ve already downloaded the thing. If the author decides to just discontinue support I’ll update it myself if I have to.

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Don’t know what to tell you, i healed all the way through aq40, never got to see NAX in its original guild killer self.

Loved the changes that started in TBC for RET fell in love with WRATH RET have been ret since.

And i’m a purist, i know my role in classic will be healing if i raid, so i’m so tired of all the … QOL changes coming on the boards wanting this or wanting that… If thats what they want, then they just need to stay in retail Or just shut up… lol

Three words , go away tool

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Sure thing Vanilla larper.

Oh my goodness… you’re one of THOSE morons that thinks Vanilla Druids can’t Tank or DPS or that Shadow Priests have no place in a raid. Stick to the private server nonsense where your nonsensical purity can thrive, we’ll move on just fine without in Classic.

I would never tell you how you should play your game, I should be allowed to play it how I like as well tho. I can want QoL things but still hate how BfA is.

you don’t seem like the kind of person who listens to reason.
what the add on is capable of doing is exactly why people are against it, and it’s wrong to have it in classic because it can simply ruin the experience for other players for the very few who want to use the add on. To defend this specific add on (beyond the chat filter which i can understand is totally fine) is the same as having the “i pay 15$ i deserve endgame content”.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: lol no man just no.

I dont think anyone that is for this addon actually would want to use it for auto forming groups.

Oh yes… these are DEFINITELY comparable things… haha

The add-on isn’t banned or blacklisted and writing LUA scripts isn’t exactly rocket science.


my o my you are a tool, where did i mention i was a druid or that a druid couldnt tank? DPS no they can’t not over a rogue and melee dps is limited in classic due to fights.

tsk tsk your childness is showing

QOL is what started the roller coaster of failure this is now retail wow.

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Certain QoL maybe, but telling me stacking linen cloth to 200 killed wow would be much, im not all for every QoL change.

I never said you were, but you pulled the dumb meme of “pure” classes. You’ve not seen what a Feral can do with MCPs and powershifting… but oh well.

Also melee is hardly punished in Vanilla so now I know you’re trolling about your supposed experience.

To make a simple chat filter is alright
to make a threat meter is even better

but to go beyond both of those with the add on and just simply make it an actual functioning LFD/LFR classic add on is to just be a Donkey.
Don’t be a Donkey.

no one is asking for Dungeon Finder and I agree