It is funny I didn’t even respond to your post but I was just trying to explain to another person why someone would care about this add on. I just explained that some people demand others play the way they say or they will refuse to play with them or even try to get them on a black list.
You keep oddly telling me to deal with this. I am not sure how you have gotten anything from what I have posted that I unable to cope with this. I said you are allowed to do this.
Have a nice day as I don’t see this going anywhere!
I think we need to be saved from ourselves, quite frankly, in order to have the best experience. Humans are lazy and will always seek out the path of least resistance. If you can boil decisions down to comparing two numbers, we’d do it. It’d make for garbage experience, but we can’t help ourselves. I understand that. It’s why I do think that the devs have to take control of certain aspects and prohibiting us from ruining our own playing experience like we did all those years ago advocating for things that made it worse. I was advocating for an LFD tool way back. I was advocating for different raid difficulties so that all people could experience the story. I advocated for a lot of things that turned out to stink the place up. I am now asking devs to not only ignore me if I ask for convenience, but actively set up road blocks if I try to get outside help on those conveniences.
Short of obfuscating in-game information to the point of uselessness and strictly barring any access to the API… this isn’t going to happen. This is RIFT all over again, where they emphasized on launch and for several months after that they were better than WoW because add-ons were not allowed, theorycrafting of any kind was discouraged, and specs were whatever you wanted them to be…
And then people got clever trying to figure out optimal DPS, and people started posting guides to difficult quests and bosses, and eventually the game devs were overcome by the few theorycrafters that stuck with it. You could literally hide every number in the game and with enough time, I could get you the answer to “which rotation is better.” We’d just be stuck measuring everything in health-bars of some easily tested monster or some other silly baseline.
Awe and wonder only go so far… then the shining wears off and performance matters.
Threat meters made the concept of managing your threat dramatically easier. Decursive made the concept of managing your decursing dramatically easier. LFG Addons makes the concept of managing a group dramatically easier.
The fact is you just became comfortable with certain concepts that undermined Vanillas base game concepts and aren’t okay with others. There is no actual logical basis you have for this however as addons in generally all did this on some level to “make things easier and more convenient”. There is no wiggle room.
The only actual option is to either allow any and all cancer through or disable addons that make any aspect of gameplay easier or more convenient on any level. Otherwise you are just special pleading against particular addons and pro others.
People need to stop crying wolf. Any LFG addon won’t add any function that shouldn’t be here, such as cross realm or teleporting. It just cuts down on chat spam to find groups. They’ll basically make a chat channel for you, post it, and gather all other posts, and put them in a nice list, without you having to dig through spam or other unwanted crap to find them.
If we’re going to accept addons for DPS/threat meters, healing, dispelling, popups for when to activate whatever skills your class has, and all the rest of it… I don’t see the logic in trying to ban a LFG addon.
Sure there are… when a class has multiple DPS buttons but the optimal “rotation” is spamming only one of those, it is an easy sign of an inexperienced player if they use the others. Balance Druid DPS in Vanilla, such that it was, encouraged Starfire spam exclusively, no Moonfire and no Wrath.
Nothing like watching a Warlock relentlessly cast Corruption over and over in a raid only to have it fall off immediately to other temporary DoTs.
Oddly enough a lot of the established guilds on the Discord Servers are saying the same thing. Personally I don’t care as long as there are no auto invites, but this may turn into a “thing”.
Threat meters existed in Vanilla
Rough DPS meters existed in Vanilla
Mailing addons existed in Vanilla
Auction House addons existed in Vanilla.
Boss Mods (Bigwig) existed in Vanilla