
Sorry, the addon creator obviously made the problem if it’s so largely controversial. Put blame where it’s due.

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There’s no problem since Blizzard allowed it, and it existed in vanilla.

And many in the community won’t allow it. Have fun.

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Hmm, ok. Gonna be hard to disallow an addon that doesn’t advertise itself.

LFG=lazy and you should play retail


Was in vanilla and you should know your history.

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There are people who demand others play the game the way they see fit… Weird concept and seems like some major control freak. I imagine those would be some fun guilds to be in. Play the game my way or get a gkick.

It’s still a cancer. And the measuring rod for adding that the devs will employ is not what Addon s existed, but what addons bring back features that they deliberately removed to make Classic. Item level is essentially the same thing. Since item level is removed to get back to Classic, it would meet their criteria. It’s fine if people want to judge based on gear, but GS removes all flavor and reduces everything down to a single number. If given the option, I’d prefer they break all addons rather than allow this kind of mentality a foothold. It was cancer back then and it’s only been allowed to get worse. The people itching to play like that should stay in retail. It’s made for them.

CTRaid? 10c

This addon and people who use it is the only thing we’re ostracizing. You can paint your picture however you want. Don’t join the guilds that blacklist it if it bothers you, which by what you’re saying, it shouldn’t.

Feel free to call us tyrants.

It’s good to nip things in the bud once you are aware of the inevitable result they have if left unchecked.


Yeah, I did Naxx 40. You either did what you had to do or you didn’t raid.

You are demanding people play the game a certain way or you will gkick or blacklist them. I am not painting any picture just stating a fact. I don’t care what you do and I am not going to try and demand you play the way I want you to by black listing you or anything silly like that.

I’m not demanding anything. If you want to join a guild that doesn’t use this, that’s what it will be. Rules are rules.

Was DKP also demanding people play the game a certain way?

Get real, then get over it.

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You are saying if you don’t play the way I want you to I will black list you. So yes this is being a tyrant.

If you said you would black list people who don’t use DKP in their guilds I would say yes you are being demanding as well.

I really have no problem if you have rules within your own guild as that is part of a guild. But you are trying to dictate how everyone even people outside of your own guild can play the game.

That’s nice. Others did. You do not get to dictate otherwise.

I’m not dictating anything but my own experience, try again.

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Again you are going to try and attempt to black list anyone who doesn’t play the way you want them to. So you are demanding people play the way you want or you won’t play with them.

This is something you are completely allowed to do because no one can say who you play with or don’t but you are still saying you will not play with people who do not play the game as you see fit.

Duly noted you’d rather no add-ons exist at all, but everything from ilvl to calculated stats can and will be determined by mere inspection. People know now, more than they did then, what sort of talent choices, gear choices, rotation choices, etc. provide optimal play, and people WILL judge you for it just as they did in Vanilla when people actually knew LESS.

The add-ons only facilitated what players already did: find ways to compare themselves for better or for ill.

Once again, if it’s your choice to play with a group of people, you’re not forced to do anything. Try again.

And that’s where this ends. Deal with it.

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