Glad you could agree this doesn’t belong in classic.
We’re kicking everyone from the guild who uses this, not inviting players who use this, and other guilds have already said the same. It’s not happening.
Glad you could agree this doesn’t belong in classic.
We’re kicking everyone from the guild who uses this, not inviting players who use this, and other guilds have already said the same. It’s not happening.
I agree with you to an extent, however this is not cross realm or teleports you to the dungeon. You still will have server rep to deal with and that won’t change with said addon.
It’ll happen, and you’ll use it too.
Ooooo check out the big bad elf over here!
PS - You won’t even know they’re using it unless they tell you.
I only will use it to identify others who also use it. This thing? It’s staying in retail where it belongs.
This isn’t my decision, it’s the addon creator’s. Obviously if it’s this controversial, it’s not going to go well. I’ll do my part to contribute.
Force on everyone else? Friend, go ahead, use your addon with your gogogogogo rush rush rush lets go mentality. I don’t have a problem writing in LFG and communicating with other people in the game, even if it takes me longer to find a group, I’m a pretty patient person.
It’s a snowball effect, don’t you see? It started with addons like this. Blizzard started accommodating for lazy people. Look how far it got them (Again we are going back 15 years because of how bad it got).
lol. //10char
I am curious, do you use macros?
It was in vanilla, so…yeah, you’re being irrational.
You didn’t know anyone else was using oqueue in MoP either, unless they told you.
Doesn’t change the fact that oqueue is literally the reason we have premade group finder in retail, though. I normally don’t like to make a big deal of things but this is a big deal in an environment like classic wow. it completely detracts from things about the game that people enjoyed.
I’m pretty sure I had an add on that auto vendor’d trash items.
So, there is a level of automation that is allowed.
Umm… its August. Also your tin-foil hat needs loosening up, you look woozy.
Doesn’t matter, if we don’t want a split community then this addon is going. That’s that.
By the way, it wasn’t. Try again.
So why use it?
From what I’ve seen, it has the ability to auto-accept invites. I click this, this and this. Stretch, go walk the dog, come back, I’m in a group. Maybe by the time I get back, I get kicked because I decided to make me sandwich, and crossing my fingers that I didn’t get booted, also wasting a bunch of time for those who were being patient.
Oh well, got kicked, queue up again.
It was. We found four and posted them in another thread. So, yeah, you’re being irrational.
Its only controversial to people who didn’t play in Vanilla or think the “real” game was always meant to be add-on free.
I respect and like addons that were in the game like dps meters and ui changes. This is something that will affect the game environment unintended.
You’re still on the same server… as the other people in your group.
How does a LFG addon kill that interaction?
I just put the most recent version of ClassicLFG into my BfA addon directory and loaded it in BfA to see what it looks like. There is an auto invite tickbox in the most recent version so I guess he added it later on.
I remember oqueue being the thing that tried to kill openraid, then when blizzard took oqueue and made it baseline in WoD, it did kill openraid.