Same thing, except Orc hunter (this one!) hiding in Ironforge buidling using eyes of the beast to stealth my cat into the AH and snipe people who were still flagged for PvP afking in the AH. Could see everything going on in the city channels.
Or even doing it through whispers of level appropriate players like “hey how it’s going, wouldn’t be interested in healing Sfk run would you?” Some people now adays act like stepping outside their comfort zone will kill them.
Major thank you to you and to the Blizzard Classic team for listening to the community, especially those so passionate about keeping Classic in line with what it was. So many of us appreciate it!
I wonder…if retail players who already have accounts and signed up for classic will be more prevalent on classic pre-launch servers?
Ultimately, if a streamlined group-finding system was something we considered compatible with Classic, we would have kept the modern Premade Group Finder tool rather than choosing to remove it from the Classic client.
cant argue with this.
Yessssssssss THANKYOU
probably one of the best things about when i was horde rogue’ing it up was sitting in the IF inn waiting for paladins who bubble hearthed thinking they got away and you kill them while they’re on a loading screen. it truly felt rewarding getting tells asking for a hit on XYZ and you /2 post done.
Well in a effort to stop datamining they removed the ability to replace game sounds, they are not known for surgical precision when it comes to fixes, all we can hope is that they use a scalpel and not a shotgun this time.
They did that in Vanilla, they still do that today, no addon plays the game for you, those are called bots.
Just use your severs discord to find a group it will be less toxic than the un moderated cesspool that are the global chats.
Blizzard wanted to stop socal networks that divided the community well theyjust made it happen even more, well done blizz you played yourself.
Uh huh.
- Lfg was in Vanilla.
- Inspection in main cities is the same as inspecting with an ilvl.
Both philosophy were born in Vanilla.
Sounds incredibly fun. The things you miss out on being a priest/lock/warrior in vanilla.
lol i don’t respond to those people. I hate it when people do that. If I wanted to run that dungeon i’d be asking in chat like everyone else.
Mind control off TB?
Bathing in the tears of others misery should not be this fun. It really shouldn’t. Everytime a salty response hits this thread I moan a little.
Re-iterating this part for people so you understand something.
The part of the addon he is talking about is the part where the addon used the addon communication channel to automatically show groups being made by the addon to other people using the addon whether there was a chat advertisement or not.
If the addon removes that functionality and instead just focuses on parsing and posting in chat (which it also already has the capability of doing), this is NOT creating an interconnected social network that relies on other players using that same add-on. It instead would simply be presenting information or providing aesthetic customization.
Don’t be surprised when the addon is converted into a perfectly functioning form and still utilized without the addon to addon communication.
Classic hate is strong here.
Your prerogative
I think the only way the seeing talents thing actually works, is if both sides have the addon installed. I don’t know how it is actually able to read your talents otherwise. If I remember correctly, the inspect functionality in 2004 WoW only allowed you to see equipment. Assuming that this is the case in Classic (I don’t know because I didn’t get into beta and I wasn’t able to join in the stress test, and I haven’t bothered reverse engineering that from the client download yet), then both parties would have to have the addon installed in order for that information to present itself. The side sending the request to join, because the addon would be able to pull that information from the client it is installed on, and the side receiving it, because… well that’s what this obviously about in the first place.
So I am pretty certain (not 100%) that the way this work is both sides have the addon installed and then you can see their spec. That is something the addon author could just create a toggle for sending though honestly. If it is in fact possible to use the inspect functionality to see a spec from halfway across the world however… yeah, that’s something that Blizz should just break anyway, it has no business being in Classic.
Or the chinese farmers off the Azshara cliffs. That was brutal corpse run for them lol
LMAO I knew it; I even told the goober that made this the day he announced it that it would be doinked on