Classic WoW Era Realms - Playerbase from Fragmented realms need to be connected as a community

Hopefully the 1.14 Era update will be the foundation to make Classic a true World of Warcraft with a global merge. Hopefully :expressionless:

If they do this, Iā€™ll come back and play again. As it is, itā€™s difficult.

Thatā€™s because TBC su cks and nobody wants to be shoved into playing with space monkeys and anorexia elves

Ya, I bought 2 month card in anticipation of a FRESH server launch. Been blowing up the forums since and my subscription is about to run outā€¦ guess they got a freebee. Iā€™m ONLY here for FRESH! Thatā€™s it. Not Classic + NOT Era that gets shoved into TBCā€¦ NO!! A Classic Fresh FOREVER server. PERIOD.

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TBC is shoved into Era even further but Iā€™m not here writing a post with the same tone as as yours that feels like treating TBC players as a plague, the same way you are considering Era players.

you just said something like ā€œthe blackest of whitesā€ and itā€™s totally nonsense.
There can only be seasonal realms that where players gets transferred to Era at the end of Naxx cycle, and new fresh realms gets created.

Yes this is what Iā€™m saying. Itā€™s not an issue if players get remerged into their original ā€˜Eraā€™ servers; thatā€™s fine by me. (some people worked hard for their players and donā€™t want a Fresh. Some came late and need an even playing field every couple years to get 60 with out being ganked every other mob) Itā€™s a win win

TBC is a plague. People play VANILLA thatsā€™ how this all started. They should have LEFT CLASSIC ALONE and launched FRESH TBC for people to level in. (or let players level 2 months then allow copy 60 ā€˜Eraā€™ toon into the newly grown TBC community.)

the pay wall killed Classic Era (on purpose imo)

100% true, but were Acti/Blizz themselves making TBC a plague in the first place, not the players who wanted to play TBC, thatā€™s the only difference imo.
I never played TBC myself and despite knowing I would still be playing era I copied my main there too, only to do the tabard quest and never log him again then later uninstalling the TBC client forever.

They thought it was so much 4head to completely trash Era realms in favor of TBC because they wanted to bank on the latter so badly, and it obviously backfired very quickly.

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8 months later and still waiting for servers to be connected. All we got were lazy free transfers to a single previously full server with a bunch of names already taken and leaving your characters from another faction stranded on the other servers.

At this point I think itā€™s safe to say this is all weā€™re going to see in regards to this problem. A fragmented Classic Era with free transfers that separate communities and new bugs every SoM and TBCC patch that will absolutely never get fixed.

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Some of us donā€™t actually wanna join youā€¦If people wanna join you they would have done so already.

Thereā€™s also some of us that would appreciate a larger community but are completely opposed to it being obtained through transfers out of principle.

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Instead of trying to herd people to make them feel better about themselves do things that incentivize people to come back.

like get rid of the stupid charge for cloning, bonus xp weekends, (my own opinion - lotta people donā€™t like this but) x-faction raiding, remorting (revert your character from 60 back to 1 but keep the same stats, and level again gaining more stats), etc etc.

What do you mean by joining me?

Iā€™ve had multiple Blizzard GMā€™s now respond to me with the same course of action with related Classic Era concerns.

We canā€™t do anything. Post on the Classic Era General forums for the Devs to resolve.

Wellā€¦ sounds like weā€™re supposed to raise some hell here! Letā€™s get to it!


I have really enjoyed leveling and playing classic again late even while it was a dead server, but something really does need to change from blizzard to allow the Wow classic community to stabilize and stop losing people. From transfers not being free and not allowing the same server to have alliance and horde characters, that essentially throw all the hard work down the drain for people who leveled characters to 60 but cant have them coexist on the same server. Iā€™m pleading Blizzard to really take a look at these problems or risk losing more and more of the community and money from their subscriptions.


Maybe Blizz can send someone to their houses and make them an offer they canā€™t refuse.

Ugh no.
Murloc heads are for tacos not taking up space in the bed.

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