Classic Vanilla is not "ending"

Seeing a lot of comments in various discussions here about how Classic Vanilla is “ending” or “nearly over” (I’m not even going to get started on the fact that TBC hasn’t even been announced yet).

There almost seems to be an urge to dismiss the game as it currently exists and to remind people that “Hey, we’d all better move on to TBC” and if you don’t, you’re a weirdo".

I’d just like to remind people that some of the:

Why would you want to do the same raids forever?
Why would you want to level your 3rd or 4th or 5th alt?
Why would you want to play on dead servers?

…and some of the other stuff used to deem WoW Vanilla over looks a lot like some of the naysaying we saw about going back to Vanilla classic in the first place from the Retail community.

It didn’t take long for large swathes of the Classic community to hop right back onto the “raid progression wagon”, and I’d caution everyone that there too will come a time when your preferred iteration of WoW will be out of vogue. If they go to TBC they will certainly go to WOTLK, and do you really think – if we’ve already drifted so far from “Won’t it be nice to need a fishing pole again to go fishing?” to “Raid raid raid progress progress progress fresh content give me moar!” – that we won’t hear people calling out for those ‘awesome’ ‘harder’ dungeons that came at the start of Cataclysm?

I wish people who leave for Classic TBC (I may even have a dabble if I don’t lose my Classic stuff/character), if it eventuates, the best, but please stop pissing on WoW Vanilla.

As they said at Blizzcon. Some of us like Rum Raisin, but some of us will always prefer Vanilla.


I think we all know Classic vanilla isn’t ending. TBC will come out and a huge amount of players will go there. Then Wrath will come out and a huge amount of players will go there. Leaving a small amount of players in the previous versions each time.
No matter how “amazing” vanilla is, or how “amazing” TBC is, oddly enough, there’s too many players in Classic at the moment who love to rush and progress. There will always be a big wave of players leaving for the next expansion. It is what it is.
I won’t like it when most players leave TBC for wrath, but I’ve accepted it. I would probably just continue to wrath.
I understand how the “vanilla forever” players must feel. But unless we never get any new content, what I’ve said will happen lol.


Vanilla forever players are quite possibly the most near sighted. Do you really their post-naxx server to survive in a years time? 2 years time?

There is little point of farming or doing anything in a dead, stale world with no new content. PvP and levelling your 9th alt doesn’t keep a server alive.
New progressive content does.

Yet the people who enjoy new content are called “content locusts” as if farming a raid tier for 2-3 months doesn’t make you wish/hype for new exciting raids and events.

I bet my life’s savings if post naxx vanilla forever servers became a reality, those servers would quickly become ghost towns almost indistinguishable from singleplayer wow. It’s unrealistic and short sighted to think vanilla forever servers will be active for longer than a year.


i think they will because:

  1. there’s a niche vanilla wow population, in the game, that enjoys erasing alts, making new alts and leveling them up again, over and over. the end game isn’t their content, rather the whole game is. they like, and play, the whole game just for its many nuances and quirky features

  1. some players specialize in vanilla wow. by specialize, i mean they specialize

that kinda thing cant be done in later expacs because many of the items are nerfed/gone and world pvpers were instead, encouraged into arena pvp.


dur dur dur “do you really think your opinion is better than mine?” dur de dur de durrrr


While I agree there are some hardcore alt makers out there, I really doubt they are even 1% of the average server population. Though I want to point out i’m specifically talking about vanilla FOREVER aka post naxx classic and not a few vanilla classic servers with seasonal resets are fine. The former is short sighted & unsustainable while the latter seems like a perfectly fine fit as vanilla pservers do resets all the time

It’s pretty obvious the statement was a rhetorical question based on the massive hype for TBC by a large percentage of the playerbase. Seems like common sense to me!

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seems the most challenging route, though i’m unsure i’d want to lose access to the scarab mount if i finally got it after 13 years lol

i have played since the last quarter of the original vanilla and had never done the onyxia attunement quest chain till yesterday. what an adventure!

you assume player interest in classic wow will taper off over time and that there will never be a revival in player interest in this game through social interest or just general public opinions changing over time due to outside influences. remember like, 2011 ect? nobody cared about classic. then with the whole “you think you do but you dont” all of a sudden it was cool again to like a 15 year old video game because you were sticking it too the man. then when people actually looked into it, they realized vanilla wow was actually pretty fun.


I don’t think they’ll allow you to transfer/include your vanilla toon to a seasonal server. I think it’ll be its own seperate thing, other korean MMOs do it like Black Desert Online with no xfers from normal servers/toons to seasonal and vice versa

“just ignore some things i said because i cant actually back them up!”


I mean, who in the world finds repeatedly farming naxx forever to be more enjoyable than new content?
I’ll tell you who doesn’t: 99% of players. If you think that a forever naxx server is in anyway viable, just look to private servers, they constantly had resets and seasons for this exact reason.

New content keeps games alive, if this wasn’t the case, games in general would never iterate

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none of that is true in any way


Rumor is that when TBC classic comes out they’re going to delete WoW classic entirely and pretend it never happened. Just like that.

They didn’t want to do it in the first place. Rumor is they’re saying it was a mistake, letting players have fun. They didn’t understand it and couldn’t reproduce it.

Is there, though, or is that just what you’re exposed to as someone who currently cares about raiding and “progression”?

Your replies in this thread pretty much exemplify the examples that I cited in my OP – the obliviousness people seem to have somehow regained about the appeals of Vanilla beyond raiding the same instances over and over. Making the game all about this is what led us to the current Retail experience.


I know I wouldn’t find it enjoyable. I’m not even interested in doing it once.

Again - the game is not all about raiding and raiding progression.


Classic is over.

Yes it is, the whole classic timeline is a proof of that.
Did you forget the amount of players that just skipped “classic leveling experience” to just enter Molten Core in green gear and clear it within less than an hour.

The game is about raiding.

It’s not about preferring vanilla or TBC. That’s not why most people will be leaving. It’s the fact that everyone will have just spent 2 years playing through all of this content, and will be ready to do something else, at least for a while.

The Dark Souls games are some of my favorite games of all time, and I go back and play them again periodically. But after I finish a playthrough, I go play other games for a while. Same thing here multiplied by ALL of the current Classic players at once (or like 80% of them).

He doesn’t have common sense.

No body cared about classic back in 2011 because the game still had the general game recipe as classic. (It wasn’t exactly the same, but was similar.) Today’s WoW is a completely different game than it was back in 2004 or even 2011.

Classis WoW servers will remain open. People will continue playing classic. However, I know I am one of the many that have already quit classic because I see no point in it. At this time classic wow is complete and done with no more content or changes. I don’t like that idea.

Runescape does it right.