beta pls? :>
beta pls? :>
In my honest to goodness opinion, I consider you to be the most freaking awesome friend I could’ve ever asked for! Thank you for always showing me such kindness, in the several days we have somewhat known one another.
Tell me something for information, Avanah. Do you enjoy playing and leveling up your characters, as much as I do? Please respond with a dead-serious answer.
must be some kind of bug because im not in beta you can send me the invite now tho and we’ll be cool and i’ll force my friends to play kthxbai
I wonder if us plebs will get to get on ahead of the streamers next time.
You could always try streaming.
Beta Invites? :’’(
I agree with the majority of what people are saying on here. Many of us were 13 and 14 years old when Classic was out and have been patiently waiting for Classic I know we all will be able to access Classic soon enough, but make us happy and send out more beta invite <3
i was 30
I would love to have a closed beta invite.
I’ll play retail and classic when it goes live.
Perhaps I should be thankful I do not have closed beta since when it goes live I can invest heavily in one single character and enjoy the journey as much as the destination. Since it seems it will be a long time before anything happens beyond vanilla, I can stop and smell the roses.
Closed Beta I’d like to see some invites still going out. I cannot help but think old vanilla players without trying to make fame n fortune streaming might catch a lot of things that others might not think to look at since they may not recall or have ever known about things that were buggy from day one, or seldom known little things.
No matter, it is what it is.
Good luck to everyone on getting a closed invite if they want one and have opted in.
It seems this WoW Classic version will follow the same path Ragnarok Online Revo did before launch. It will be a mix of “renewal” (more QoL features, streamlining, simplicity) and “classic” (challenges, old features, etc.)
that is funny I like this team
There’s 0 things wrong with it
It was a mage only quest which enabled Conjure Water rank 7.
Became irrelevant when this spell can be purchased off the trainer in TBC.
LOTS OF FAITH IN THE CLASSIC TEAM! Hopefully Blizz will look at which team performed best financially and make a decision to listen to that team’s theory on game design and mechanics from here on out! Great work so far Classic Team! Keep it up!
I hate to bust bubbles here, but I remember playing the first version of the game, I guess classic is a good name, patch 1.12 too. I’ll tell one thing for sure and that is< most of todays players, that is to say the newer players, wont like Classic, it is very slow leveling, you die a lot to regular mobs, at level 50 you will find you wont have any quest to do, the game ran out, and you will grind mobs for 10 levels, and then on to raiding, you will have to get help to get attuned to the higher level dungeons, not to mention raiding, its a slow process and you cant solo it. So lets hope for strong friendships and great guilds like we had back in the day>