[Classic] The unacceptable state of Classic servers

I feel the need to clarify something since the reaction from the community about my post seem to misunderstand my position (A lot of people questioning my legitimacy as a Software Engineer) and I don’t want Aggrend or anyone on the Classic Dev team to misunderstand my position either.

In no way am I saying that it would have been cost efficient or not for them to have updated legacy code to function with modern online technology. The only ones capable of making a cost-benefit analysis on this are Blizzard devs themselves.
I don’t know what the Classic’s code looks like, I don’t know how hard it would be to update said code to support more modern online tech, I don’t know their hardware, I don’t know their finances, I don’t know anything of what they are doing behind closed curtains.
There isn’t anyone alive on this planet, no matter their credentials, that would know about that except for the ones who work on the game itself.
What I do know however is that the statement that the tech doesn’t exist is false. Regardless of what the cost would be, there is a solution, one that may or may not be worth investing into. WoW Classic has its own set of challenges to deal with, and that is the dev’s job to figure it out, but challenges doesn’t make something impossible. You can argue that on a cost basis it could be considered impossible, but now we would just be playing semantics.
And sure, perhaps I shouldn’t read it so literally, Aggrend most likely meant it as “there is no technology/hardware solution to this issue in the current context, timeframe and/or associated cost”, but this is exactly why I had a problem with that sentence.
Because it just feel like a cop out.

This is completely beside the point I was trying to make either way. The point is that this is just another issue on the long list of issues and the only commonality between those issues is that the amount of support provided to Classic is just too little.