(Classic) <The Oran’Thul> - Horde | NA | PvP | Hardcore | Weekends

Thanx for letting me join in BWL last night, had a blast!

Rocked it yesterday with da OT brothers! Woot Woot!

we practicing classic raids every weekend

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100 days left! :slight_smile:

WTB another shadowweavy boy and others!


this is the place to be

Stress Test tonight! Lets get it!

hi :stuck_out_tongue:

Go that Hogger raid.

What server will it be on?

A PvP NA server. Most likely east coast.

Won’t know the actual name for a while.

Bump! come join us for practice!

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join the best to be the best

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Hell ya! This is where the dedicated converge to conquer!

Just a heads up about this guild. Just ‘joined’ last night to their discord, website, and private server. Seemed like a good option for a hardcore guild. Second day in and this joker (Nekrage) bans me from Discord, blocks me, also removes my account from the website too. All for just talking about alts and raids with them.

Sent a private message and turns out this message is why I was kicked. Guild leader is something else… Talking with others in the guild still and they don’t understand it either.

So I guess if you don’t mind an orwellian guild then go ahead and apply. lol…

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Day 1 in the guild and already looking to pull crap behind the guilds back. Also you completely misunderstood the entire conversation in Discord, this did not stop you from scheming.

Additionally you were never blocked. I left you a contact option so you could discuss this if you wished to do so. Since you came here to whine and complain publicly rather than discuss this like a man I am happy to post this image.

i.imgur .com/3EyA5ne.png

You are not welcome back in the guild.

I was not pulling anything. There was no scheming at all. I wouldn’t join even if you let me. You’re a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. You ignored my attempts to contact you and blocked me every way you could. So there was no possible way to reach out to you.

And by the way… I’m not hiding anything so the screenshot just reinforces exactly what I was talking about.

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I wouldn’t trust you with loot council after this anyway :rofl:

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Considering I do not run the loot council…yahh. You know nothing about this guild.

Additionally, no. You did not try to contact me. You never were blocked.


What is this exactly?

You are exactly the kind of person we purge from this guild. We are a family, you don’t belong.

I have been running this guild for about 15 years now, we have seen it all.

In what world is that scheming? He was saying he wanted to run alts and you were going nuts. So I sent him a message that he could run alts if he wanted. There’s no way you could do anything about it anyway.

You’re just trying to micromanage their entire time on the game…

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