Classic server benefits for modern WoW

You’re clearly a troll. I see that now. Find a better hobby and your life will definitely be less sad.


The grammar in this one is strong…you probably should buy a transmog for your writing skills.


Why are people talking to this troll instead of just reporting and moving along?


The only way i would actually think this would work is to have a server progress though every expansion over time and eventually get to Retail wherever that is. That would be the minimum amount of dedication i would expect people to have to want to get something out of a 15 year experience that would clearly be shortened since all the work is done. That is the one thing that doesnt cheapen that experience to the people that did it originally.

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Because Blizzard values the opinions of trolls equally to reasonable people. That’s how we ended up with the state of the game.

I mean, to be completely honest, Alex Afrasiabi, trolled the EQ forums back in the day along with several other devs (I’m sure.) I know this is shocking, but they’re not “nice” people over there. They have more in common with this troll in the thread than people trying to be calm and reasonable.

Whenever you take a pawn in chess, you should get another queen in checkers.


You got that out of a fortune cookie didn’t you?

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Nope separate games there should be no interaction between them.

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Before Blizzard implements something like this, I propose a legendary quest chain to unlock the toy/trinket item ‘A Hero’s Wardrobe’ at level 120. It will unlock all appearances in the game after completion. In-house development code name “Project Barbie”.

Classic’s population will already be spotty in the beginning, weeding out folks who are merely curious about how the game once was; implementing transmog will further that trend into higher levels and increase the likelihood of damaging the Classic/Individual server community as people only show up to collect dressing room accoutrements for their characters on retail.

Not too mention that by allowing transmog to taint Classic; you will add more burden to the collectors of WoW - who, if they want to min-max their collections and achievements will have to play Classic - so I could envision that backlash as well.

Dumb idea, goes against the philosophy of Classic being a “living museum”. Thanks for the bait, I ate it up.

PPS: You can’t even transmog Barman Shanker on retail, further proving the system sucks in general.

I feel bad that I sided with this guy now.
Having transmog being collected via items in classic is not a good idea as far as the economy is concerned. I didn’t think of that earlier. It would make green items and blues extremely valuable compared to normal.
Yea let’s leave this out of classic. That alone is a good enough argument.


What’s the over/under on how long it will take Blizzard to sell Gold Tokens in Classic?

I’m guessing 1 year. Under a year would be shocking, but I expect a year out they’ll be selling tokens to capitalize on people wanting their epic mounts on their alts.

then you’ll be playing Classic WoW for the wrong reason and treating it as a grind

What’s wrong with playing it as a grind? You play your way and everyone will play their way. I play wow to get max level, do dungeons and raids and hangout with friends and other people. To me the game doesn’t really start until max level but that’s just me.

You can play any way you want. But there isn’t any connection between Classic and retail. They are entirely different games. Classic is an RPG, retail is a collectors/fashion game. If you want more tmog junk in retail, ask Blizz to put the stuff in the store.


I acknowledged that and decided I was against it. I replied to the comment of treating wow as a grind and how that’s the wrong reason to play it according to the person I had replied to.

No, because that only promotes collectors in modern WoW to invade WoW Classic and take gear for the sole purpose of getting in on modern WoW and not to progress their WoW Classic character.

nochanges, **** transmogtards

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dude mounts
transmogs dude
muh chievos

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Transmogs will be coming soon, the BFA people who are bringing us layering will make sure of that :slight_smile:

Don’t you put that evil on us Ricky Bobby