let me answer your question by saying this
stock mangos is bugged to hell and back when it comes to Paladin spells/talents/abilities
it was literally a steaming pile of excrement to try and play on a stock mangos private server cuz you literally didn’t know what was working and what wasn’t - hence my efforts over the past several years to try and get things fixed
some notable examples of rampant bugs affecting Paladins in stock mangos
- Holy Resistance on all mobs in PvE and players in PvP
- Seal/Judgement of Command and Hammer of Wrath being on spell hit/crit
- Sanctity Aura not boosting all Holy dmg by 10%
- spell dmg not boosting our holy damage attacks
- none of our Seals/Judgements being able to trigger procs
- only auto attack being able to trigger Vengeance
The one BENEFICIAL bug combo we had on stock mangos was unnerfed Seal of the Crusader + Consecration where we got the 40% melee haste and AP bonus without the “does less damage on each swing” bs. That combined with Consecration scaling with attack power meant that Consecration ticks hit really hard every second which made AoE fights and AoE tanking especially lulz for us.
All that being said, I can honestly tell you that Lightshope is as close as anyone has ever come to retail Vanilla WoW especially when it comes to Paladins. There are still a few lingering unknowns remaining only because I was unable to find concrete evidence one way or the other: