Classic PvP Content Plan

I suspect he might have been thinking - ‘hmmm RP realms don’t shard, maybe we should discourage PVP there?’

If this forum microcosm is any indicator - RP/PVP would be quite popular.

These virtual servers and cloud enabled processes might not have the brute punch of the old hardware dedicated servers.

The problem is voice vs subs. I fear the voice is far more significant than the subs here.

Good point. I’ve never paid attention to RP. Assumed it was all niche. That said, I doubt at the time Ion said it that there had been too very much done assessing present Classic demand. His remark was so flippant it made me think he had either ulterior motive or just more blindness to the real WoW customer desires.

Na, I remember running in a PVP group and basically getting to rank 13. Took about 4-5 months of pvp 6-10 hours a day. I’d like to add that we hardly ever lost any games. That all depends on your server though and competition I believe. Can’t say I did that grind on multiple servers

There is just nothing good about dishonorable kills.
Too much of a penalty. Shared among the group.
It kills pvp groups, causes people to disband groups.
The penalty is very severe.
It is just an all around bad thing.


1.12 Alterac Valley? Really? Why would you choose The shell of the live version of AV instead of the insanity and awesomeness of 1.5? Players looking to experience what Vanilla AV was like are never going to get to experience the rush of an AV match lasting for days and allowing them to just massacre people in PvP for hours. Really a disappointment to hear this, and it may actually affect my decision to even participate in classic now. I feel bad for the Newbies who wont get to experience summoning the elemental or ent and breaking through the lines alongside it.


I think those guys are still in it, or I played just before they got removed?

“Rush”. “Days.”

I was there in 2005 and I don’t remember the ‘rush’ of a drawn out back and forth where you logged off, slept, went to work, came home, and rejoined the same AV with no progress made.

I want 7 hour Alterac Valleys again or go home!


Ahh, those were the good ol days :slight_smile:

I do hope they bring back that experience and not make it an easily rushed


The rush of get 200 kills and the insane fights to get those kills. Mass AoEing choke points and sneaking by to cap behind fights? Sorry it isnt a “rush” as in “Zerg rush” that I assume you would rather have?

No, I remember the multi-day games. The word that comes to mind is “slog” not “rush”.

I don’t know about everyone else, but back in the day, I had more time I “could” devote to the game. Now, adulting is a serious priority. I’m just looking forward to being able to log into a classic experience, get stuff done, and log out.

You’re in luck. Blizzard made a version of the game that’s tailored to people like you! You can even play it right now.

It’s just a shame that by doing so, they had to remove the “Classic experience” from the game in order to create it.


Im here to send false hope so when people refresh the forums they get excited because a blue post got bumped.


If I’m remembering correctly: QQ

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Oh…that is very bad news to hear.

I was hoping to actually be an AV that was going to be fun… (sigh) it isn’t all bad news though. The only way to win is to kill the leader again. Thats a good thing…I was hoping for the actual fight.

Having to fight to get the first base of the enemy against the players and troops, having to kill the enemy captain while defend yours and the enemy had troops and players there to stop you.

THAT is the AV I’d love to see back…kind of watered down from the amazing experience it could be. Oh well.

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I know I’m really reaching here, but a man can hope. Here goes nothing…

Blizzard, can you please give us people who already hit rank 14 in vanilla WoW easier access to the epic gear and mounts? We already did that insane grind once, and that should be enough. Personally, I got it right after I graduated high school and was taking some time off before moving on with my life. It took me 9 and a half months of PvPing. There towards the end (the last few months), I was PvPing 20 hours a day every day except Tuesdays. I actually slept a full 8 hours on Tuesdays, thanks to maintenance. I usually slept 10-12 hours on patch days. I feel that dedication alone should continue to be reward enough to keep benefiting without having to do it all over again. As fun as I think PvP was in vanilla, there is no way I could do that again. Even if I wanted to, I just don’t have the time now days.

Would be nice to reward your classic dedicated fans by letting them have the gear again easier than grinding from rank 1 all over again. If they still are playing on their same account they got to rank 14 on, of course. Maybe have it to where we only need to earn a certain amount of honorable kills or honor per piece? This way we can eventually get the gear again without having to dedicate an insane amount of time all at once. Even if the benefit was limited to one character per account, I’d be fine with that. This way people who have already done the grind can benefit from it again and people who never did can experience the brutal grind we had to go through, if they want the gear.

I know this might lead to the counter argument of “Raiders aren’t going to get their AQ40 and Naxx gear back easier!”, but I feel it’s a different scenario. PvP epics and raiding epics are two different beasts. Part of the fun in raiding is doing the raid with cool people, finally getting past that hard boss and finally getting your turn for the gear drop. And while PvPing is fun (for those of us who enjoy doing it), doing it for 20 hours a day, every day, for months on end is pure draining after awhile. Even if you’re still having fun! People who have a job and other responsibilities can still get raiding epics, assuming they can get into a good enough guild again. However, good luck getting the PvP epics with even a part-time job. Assuming it’s still as time consuming to get in Classic as it was back then. Unless you have other people PvPing on your account for you, when you can’t play, it’s just not going to happen.

Part of the reason so many people want to play Classic is for us to be able to fully experience vanilla WoW again. Even with a job, kids, and other stuff to take care of, most people can dedicate a few straight hours a week to raiding. So those people will eventually be able to get their gear back and fully experience vanilla again from where it left off. PvPers aren’t going to be able to fully experience that again unless they quit their jobs. As tempting as that option is, it just isn’t feasible.

Anyways… That’s how I feel. I know I might be a bit biased since I got to rank 14 back then, but I had to pour so much of my time into WoW back then to get it. Would be nice to have something to show for it again, other than just the title and transmogs on current WoW. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for those things, but would be nice to actually use the gear again in Classic without needing to do the insane grind all over again. Without a reasonable chance of getting my HWL gear back, I’ll probably just get to 60, PvP a little bit (maybe get TUF again for old time’s sake) and then probably not touch classic much anymore after that. I suppose I can come back when they change the honor system (if they decide to go that far with Classic servers), but by that time, the allure of that gear wears off, because everyone and their brother has it.

Just my two cents. Thanks for listening to my plea. :laughing:

They should just use BC prepatch gearing in phase 6. Then everyone can get the gear.

You have got to be kidding.

I am embarrassed for you actually.