Classic Oceanic Servers

Bit off topic but still related to OCE servers. Currently my wife and I live on the west coast US but will be moving back to Aus late 2020 so if we get confirmation of OCE servers should I just start there and deal with the lat for upwards of a year? Or do I play west coast and hope for server transfers… definitely in a bit of a pickle

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Probably not a RP server (unless it was the only option) but a PVP and PVE? Definitely!

if i were you id roll on OCE and deal with the 150 ping for a few months


Agreed. A few months of high ping is tolerable if you’re going to be moving to Aus for sure. I couldn’t do it for a longer period of time personally.

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hey man no changes = no Oceanic servers.

i remember US players in vanilla would widely consider a ping greater than 150-200 unplayable.
for me if i saw anything around the 350 mark it was a good day.

i still remember launch day on Blackrock.
what a mess that was.


Technically Oceania had access to North American WoW without Oceanic servers for many years.

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Have a feeling they will be mixing up the server names, if they reuse Frostmourne for Oce it’s going to be absolutely REAMED at launch.

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Hahaha so true. Didn’t enjoy those 4 hour queue time

They should give us troll server names like Lagrock and Crashmourne
And then it would be that nostalgic experience of trying to log back in every 30s for an hour


My nightmare in one sentence.


With the right business methodology and a cashed up Asia the gaming industry Is entering a new frontier with a new targeted audience. Rip…DIABLO 4 PC

Its only a matter of time that Oceanic servers will soon out number the EU / NA Player base.

Blizzard knows this and so does the analytical strategists at Activision. It has always been a numbers game.

The spreadsheet never lies

China No 1

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Haven’t done enough research into this but this would be crazy if it were to happen.

PSH even if you out number the U.S, Canada maple syrup friends will hug trees with us, maybe EU if you don’t count Russia into it. Also blizzard Hello

How the heck are you not going to give Australians there own servers, are you secretly lobbying to get more kangaroos in other parts of the world?

I used to play on Illidown. It seems like most high-pop early servers had nicknames. Still better than BFA!

I’ll add my 2 cents and keep this important conversation going.

With a game like WoW and in general the gaming community as a whole in the Oceanic region, having a dedicated Oceanic Realm makes sense in a customer service point of view but also a view that you can combine the community as one which Vanilla is all about.

We all know the #nochanges bla bla bla - but in reality there should be changes done in some areas of the game, either it being on the technical side or not.

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Also just a side note to onlookers.

OCE servers are not just Australian servers for Australians. It encompasses most of south east asia. So there are people from Japan, Singapore, China, Indonesia, and many other countries who play on them. So OCE servers are important to a whole host of countries.

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That’s essentially what vanilla is - a community!

Speak for yourself - I get <20ms.


Are you in Sydney? I’m in Adelaide and get 41ms based on a ping test. Sure beats the 200ms I’m getting from US West.

It’s my birthday today btw Blizzard. Just so you know. Confirmation of Oceanic servers sure would be a nice present :wink:

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I mean, it would be rude not to give you a birthday gift.