Classic Oceanic Servers

Hey Blizz,

Don’t know if your planning to release the info on Date release for classic. But even just a yes or a no would put our minds at ease.

Most of us understand that there will be, just a direct confirmation would be nice.

Thanks Blizz

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I thought i made it explicitly clear to blizzard that the next blue post was to be confirming OCE servers?

Not happy. Practically spat in our faces.

What good is confirmation on progressive itemization if its for a game not being released to us to even play.

Priorities, seriously.

As a Corporate Systems Admin of 15 years and an Oceanic player myself… I’m genuinely confident there will either be Oceanic realms for Classic or at the least; the available realms will have acceptable local ping times. (50ms and under)

In today’s Information Technology world - call it an educated guess.

I do not believe Oceanic players will have slow connections to WoW Classic.

Dear Blizz,

This is my first post - ever.

Please post a Blue that you’re adding Oceanic servers in classic, so I can get on with my life knowing that I’ll have no life soon™.

Bye for good until then.

Sincerely yours,

Mankrik’s Wife

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If we don’t get a blue post now then I’ve lost all hope.

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Blue confirmation is required by COB tomorrow.

I heard a rumour that Activision is currently looking for permanent site acquisitions in the Asian Telco markets.

A mega-network with fibre backhaul capacity and huge cloud base servers. The days of a Blizzard HQ in America seem numbered now…

With Asia having 4.4 billion customers and soaking up 60% of all world trade. It seems logical that Activision is looking for business partners to build growth across all its gaming platforms in that region.

The only thing that was “cross realm” during classic was battlegrounds and that happened in patch 1.12 (so most likely it will be with classic launch)

Other forms of content was 100% server only. So really, having at least 1 pure OCE server won’t hurt players from the US all that much.

I don’t see why they would not through a server your way. I hope you have a fun time in classic.

Thanks Necrosis, most of us here are pretty confident too, but a post allaying those tiny voices of dissent in the back of our minds would be great.

It is a super important point for us, as playing with low ping is not something I would wish upon anyone, it truly does detract from the enjoyment of the game.

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Perhaps They don’t want to to acknowledge because they aren’t going to have one… Hahahahahaha

Amen to that!

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Ahahahahaah we gots ourselves a funnyman here.
Pls return to your crying about groupXP snowflake bonuses and Leave these big topics to the big boys to discuss eh?

oceanic servers reduce latency, which removes the handicap on oceanic players,
which will create unfair equality for oceanic players, causing imbalance to the game and ruining the classic experience.

The disappointment of no AUS servers would be immense.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ BLIZZ TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Oh big boy!! You honestly think that they care. Let me step aside and allow you to keep your ignorance.


I get 8ms to Nagrand… 120ms seems rather inordinate for being within AU!

Totally for oceanic realms. Make it happen Blizz!

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For it. And a necessity imho.

You must be in Sydney. I have at least 25ms (or did when I was in Brisbane).