Classic Macro Question

I couldn’t find a class forum for Classic so I am posting this question here. I’m trying to create a macro that tells my pet to attack, targets my pet, casts misdirection, and then switches my target back to what my pet is now targeting.

This is what I have at the moment and everything works except for the /assist at the end. It will not switch me back to my pet’s target.

/tar (pet’s name)
/cast Misdirection

I also tried making my pet my focus and using “/assist focus” as the last line and that didn’t work either.

Can anyone help me out?

Where does the macro get stuck at? What line stops working

The last line is the only one that doesn’t work. It does not /assist my pet. Everything else works.

/last target
or /lasttarget

That did not work either. I’m wondering if there is some kind of cooldown associated with switching targets? I don’t know why else this wouldn’t be working.

Afaik, the one you’re after is probably this one:


Not sure if all these still work, but here’s a list containing loads of commands you can bake into your macro(s):

@Adreaver can probably answer any questions you have related to macros, if he/she’s got the time.

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Seems to work fine.

#showtooltip Misdirection
/cast [@pet] misdirection
I haven’t really used it though.

/targetlasttarget worked!!

Thank you, Ghorak.

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#showtooltip Misdirection
/cast [@pet,exists,nogroup][@focus,nocombat][@mouseover,help][@focus,nodead][@targettarget,help] Misdirection