Classic + is the only way, doing TBC and onward would be horrible!

That’s fine you can stay on Classic while the rest of us enjoy the versions of the game that we like.

Don’t get me wrong I like Classic, but TBC/Wrath were better IMO.

If you have any objections to this, then you are being selfish and gatekeeping just the same as the OP


im glad you keep replying to this post so blizz sees people want classic plus content

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No no… YOU want that crap. A miniscule minority of players want that crap.

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idk man, lots of people want to see classic plus. i think u just want the game easier.

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If Blizz is reading this they are mostly seeing that a guy who lacks a basic grasp of grammar is getting dunked on by people with facts and logic.


He reminds me of a friend of mine IRL who has a learning disability and never evolved beyond a sixth grade reading level and can’t spell to save his life.

it literally gives me a headache trying to read his messages to me just like this guy

I would love a TBC set of servers with one change.

Dont lock PVP gear behind Arena Rating. Doing so disincentives WPVP , and battlegrounds.

I love huge WPVP battles and battlegrounds. They should be able to mean something

True fact! Trilogy is Vanilla, TBC and WOTLK. The rest is meh. So it ends with WOTLK.


Not sure why you call it a trilogy. Wrath had more in common with retail then it does with vanilla.

Maybe so but the end of Wrath was the culmination of the events that took place in Warcraft 3… We finally got retribution for all of the chaos that Arthas had wrought and the lives he destroyed… families who were torn apart due to some being alive, and others who were turned into the scourge and later became the Forsaken etc.


Also, Wrath probably had the most balanced and empowered mix of classes and races in the game’s history up to that point.


That’s kind of debatable. Honestly it depends on what patch you’re talking about, because Wrath is when class homogenization started. Some may call that “balance” too

Blizzard is now beholden to activisions board and profit motive. I doubt they get back to that same design philosophy. We are in a different age of game making.

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And started us onto the path of homogenization…

Technically every patch intended to re balance classes has done that, though what this achieved was letting players play what they wanted as opposed to chasing the currrent meta and being screamed at for using a leveling spec at end game or pulling their hair out because the raid they were doing was full of adds immune or heavily resistant to their damage out put.

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Not really. Burning crusade managed to make classes more balanced while leaving them different feels, strengths and weaknesses, and utility.

Wrath on the other hand, everyone had aoe, everyone had cc, warriors got better aoe tanking, paladins got better single target tanking, etc.

Classic+ is a horrible idea.
Modern Activision-Blizzard is bound to ruin it: Look no further than Layering.

Just like Vanilla, TBC was a phenomenal game.
TBC is the best and safest path to take.
We’re years away from that point anyway.


Then you weren’t paying as much attention as you think, since the various classes all had their own distinct flairs and effects.

Like when it came to healing you had real distinction between single and multi target heals for the various classes and specs; Paladins were the king of single target with disc taking a distant second while holy priests and druids were rock solid group healers.

Prot pallies retained all of their aoe goodness via consecrate and the addition of a taunt effect was good, but the class was still vulnerable to gassing out on mana, while warriors had only a single healing effect that they could rely on that only became an option at end game.

Were there more CC’s and aoes? Sure, but most of them weren’t anything to get too excited about; Rogues gained an aoe but it was of limited value outside of killing under leveled trash compared to the damage output they could do with single target dps.

The thing is that voting is supposed to keep stuff OUT, not get stuff in.

In OSRS Jagex proposes a change to the game/new content and players vote on it. A similar system in world of warcraft would mean that any new content would need to:

  1. Fit Blizzard’s definition of what fits in Classic and could be implemented without screwing everything up.
  2. Fit the playerbase’s definition of what fits in classic and could be implemented without screwing everything up.

I just don’t think that the retail team has any idea of what Classic is supposed to be like, or even why it is liked. The worst-case scenario would be Blizzard proposing all kinds of gamebreaking changes and the Classic community voting those down en masse, so nothing ever gets developed. As far as worst-case scenarios go, that one is pretty mild. Once Blizzard demonstrates that they can be trusted with developing Classic+ it has the potential to become something great.

EDIT: Why the hell isn’t my character being updated? I’ve been over level 50 for a week now…

And yet wrath did blur the lines. Did everyone have nuances? Sure. But it was definitely when they moved away from incomplete toolkits. Heck they even went for that as a design goal. Bring the player not the class started at the beginning of wrath and paved the way for homogenization.

Was it as bad as it got later? No. But it started in wrath.

And the aoe for rogues was initially so strong it got nerfed.