Classic + is the only way, doing TBC and onward would be horrible!

Classic can remain it’s own thing and BC/WOTLK can be their own thing. Classic isn’t going anywhere!

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to many versions wont work. retail and classic plus would be best

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I remember Isle of Quel to be a heavy gank zone. Flying may have brought world PvP down…slightly… but I had a blast in TBC with PvE content, arenas and battlegrounds.

Enjoying Classic very much right now though.

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/10 chars

Classic+ is contrary to the entire point of Classic: recreating the Vanilla experience.

That is what you want Classic to be. It is not what everyone wants Classic to be. Your desires are valid, but so are ours. Your assumption that Classic+ must fail is rooted in reasonable caution, but is ultimately incorrect.

A Classic+ might fail. Indeed, any expansion is probably more likely than not to underwhelm. This is true of almost any undertaking worth doing. That does not mean it shouldn’t be attempted.

At some point, perhaps 2 years down the road, Vanilla content will run dry for many. Perhaps not for all. But for those, the possibility of fresh, vanilla-inspired content is exciting.


I want an optional TBC copy myself, I never really got to play TBC originally because it made me originally quit WoW, and I’d be willing to have an character copy to a TBC realm and leave classic running as well, that would be awesome IMO.

yea but its very clear what NOT to do at this point, as far as added content. they would have to be really dumb to mess up classic plus.

I’m in the same boat. I’d rather not see flying mounts or an expansion content. I think there is enough world to expand on. There are plenty of spots in Classic that can be fleshed out without ruining the social/gameplay of classic.

I also hope there is some way to address the MUDflation that made them re-itemize at least twice the last time I played WoW.

Yes that is right about the private servers being shut down.
The servers Blizzard is looking at are the ones Blizzard can not take to court.
If reduce the private server population, you reduce the money private servers make.

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yes, i feel like keeping the vanilla world active is important. shoe-horning everyone into new small zones isnt something i like

I think that Classic+ makes the most sense. BC added a lot of great things to the game like heroic dungeons, Kara, etc. but it all came at the expense of invalidating the original continent and content by 10 levels and an off world teleport. This is the fundamental difference in philosophy that everyone’s arguing about. Yes, flying is bad, but that only possible in Outland. I also like faction-specific classes.

This option is even more appealing given Classic’s direction of 1.12 with no retuning. Everyone who dislikes how easily we blast through dungeons and the first raid would support a Classic+ with retuned raids, dungeons, world mobs and maybe Karazhan as a side-grade with Naxx. There’s a lot of cut content to reimagine with no deadlines attached and more technology than they had back in 2004-2006 to slowly introduce and vote on before even having to come up with a new idea.

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Just checking…ty for the clarification :slight_smile:

Opinions are like…well I’ll let you figure it out. You are just afraid of how few would remain in classic if BC/WOTLK were a thing. Admit it!


Why wouldn’t it work? There are tons of players playing Classic, who returned to play Classic.

There are tons of players who enjoy TBC/WotLK. Blizzard only needs a few of each server type to make it worthwhile, which is always what they expected Classic to be anyway.

What they don’t want to do is allocate the resources to create new content on a constant basis for a 15 year old game, when the alternative is basically to just snapshot a point in time and stand up a few servers and be done w/ it.

You seem to keep sidestepping the point that they have a game already that is in active development (retail) and that is where the majority of their resources go. They aren’t going to actively develop two different versions of WoW.

Standing up Classic servers is a lot more of a fire and forget affair; they don’t need a full development team to just fix bugs. Same thing w/ TBC/WotLK.


Something I had a rather interesting thought about in another thread regarding this subject so I wanted to post it here as well…

would you want flying back? LFG? LFR? herilooms? catchup mechanics? all that bs that bc and wotlk brought back

For starters, LFR didn’t exist in either xpac, LFD did exist, but was server based.

I’d want TBC and WotLK back exactly the way they were, which incidentally would also be the easiest for Blizzard to actually make and maintain without a large dev team.

Just because you don’t like something, doesn’t mean there weren’t literal millions who did. Interest in the 2 most popular WoW xpacs of all time is guaranteed.

And again, Blizzard has zero intention of actively developing two separate versions of the same game, so new content for Classic is pretty unlikely, no matter how cool you think your fan fiction version of WoW would be.


Although I get extremely nostalgic for TBC, I have to agree with OP.

As for the Warcraft lore that I love to death, I think that everything after WOTLK should be retconned.

here is a fun fact: Devs KNOW that everyone currently playing Classic won’t stick around forever.

This was one reason to have few servers (again its easier to add than remove) as eventually many will suffer population issues and require to be merged to boost their realm player base.

That is Devs #1 risk with Classic.

Now let me ask you…if they make Classic+ and CAUSE that very issue (by lowering population of classic realms) there is zero benefit.

Also “difficult” (subjective btw) classic+ can be done right now. Undergear yourself or run subpar content comps (try pally tanks and no warrior tanks) this makes content harder w/o devs doing ANYTHING to their realm populations.

Do you know what this type of thread tells devs?

players: We want vanilla WoW it was better!

devs: fine here…now shut up.

Players: We dont want vanilla WoW…we want vanilla mode but harder.

devs: …so you have no idea what you want and are merely tossing darts at a target blindfolded hoping result is what you want? Thats a waste of our time and productivity.

I dont mean to be mean, but ffs stop whining after they GAVE you classic after so long…

Fun fact is Vanilla wasnt ever hard (outside pugs with noobs who dont know what to do)…that shows today. We KNOW all the content becasue we have done it for over a decade.
People know optimal comps, they know every mechanic, and they know how to gear.
We didn’t have this info 15 yrs ago. Ergo the “difficulty” of vanilla was not actually “difficult” the way people think it was. (outside naxx but that was for bragging rites)


Because large sections of classic are boring as hell and after you’ve had to do them three or four times you just want to blast past them to reach more interesting content.

And regarding LFG: It’s kind of nice to be able to let the game assemble a pug for me while I quest as opposed to having to spam random chat channels hoping that somewhere someone is listening and wants to do the same content as me.

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