Classic + is the only way, doing TBC and onward would be horrible!

Lol. World PvP always is and always will be just trash for PvP scrubs. It is definitely a Horde thing 100% where they either need to party to kill a solo person or they need to be significantly higher lvl in order to even fight somebody. It’s funny because the horde on my Vanilla server ALWAYS lost AV and WSG but would always win AB. This must be some kinda loweffort troll/sh$% post.

  1. Flying was not a bad idea, it could have been implemented better like GW2’s flying though, such as maybe a stamina bar to keep in air.

  2. LFG mechanics did not kill the game lol. ANYBODY CAN INVITE 4 PEOPLE TO A PARTY AND DO A DUNGEON. All this did was set paramters to get lowbies out of higher lvl dungeons and make players able to dungeon more efficiently without waiting around SW while your PL recruits. LFR did damage and I would say Cataclysm is one of the worst expansions for welcoming it in.

  3. Wtf are you talking about “catch up mechanics”??? If you’re referring to the trial of the champion, PoS, and Fos… I honestly only remember the first one but TBC did have isle of quel’danas and Magister’s Terrace. I will say these dungeons should not have casualized epic items… that in itself was a bad thing but the parallel between that and raiding. For the most parts people would bring their alts to raids and even if they were in leveling greens they’d get decked in like a week. All these so “catch up mechanics” did was give casuals some better armor if they were in a world PvP situation but even then the atrocious stat resilience existed from TBC to Wrath.

  4. I will say though WotLK was definitely a time for experimentation for raiding. I’m not a fan of making raids categorized into Normal, Hard, Mythic. If anything just make the 10 man raid normal, and the 25 man raids Heroic. LFR does need to go though, if you want that set you gotta do the raids and if you want to see what the raid is like there are tons of people that upload clips to YT.

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