⭐ Classic is Definitely not Vanilla

No I don’t want to waste my time reading an entire post of that length.

Put your point at the start and then expand on it if you must.

The community was consulted at the start of this process as to what versions they should be going with and this was what was decided. You guys come in at the tail end after things have been set up and well into testing and want things changed.

Your requests are totally unreasonable.

You’re either so illogical you would continue to engage in a discussion that you’re ignorant about or could potentially even entirely avoid by reading all of the information, or you’re just lying to maintain your salty attitude, I highly doubt someone who frequents the forums with you’re crossed arms attitude is stretched for time.

Don’t tell me a request is unreasonable if you don’t even have the decency to understand the request by choice of ignorance.

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Does not make a difference what you believe or what you assume. They aren’t changing this now.

Something else really key I haven’t seen discussed yet, and probably the point that would be most compelling to developers if we were to hope and change their mind.

90% of the time content gets nerfed (or got nerfed up until the introduction of new systems in WoD) is because they wanted to allow players to more easily clear old content.

Blizzard typically wants players focusing on the current content or immediately previous required content to prepare for it.

Dungeons > T1 Raid > T2 Raid > T3 raid etc.

If T2 is the current raid tier, Blizzard likes to expedite the process up to T1 so Players can begin preparing for T2. If T3 is the current raid tier, they expedite the process up to T2, etc etc. So the nerfs in place were originally designed to expedite content for phase 1… during phase 1.

Rather than sitting here and discussing if we want a more hardcore game experience or not, it’s really worth mentioning how premature these nerfs in relevance to the phase system.

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I wouldn’t mind if dungeons captured:

“Experience feel meaningful”
“Sense of danger”
“sense of progression”
“pulling is a great way to show individual player skill”

If it takes 30 min to form a party, and then another 30 min to get to the dungeon, the experience better be worth it. I want to be challenged. You can’t wipe the experience we’ve gained in classic dungeons, or harder content, from our minds, but you can make us work for it. I think dungeons, even your first ones, should be gear checks. They should require cc, focus targets, right specs for the roles people are filling. I don’t mean “no Rets.” I mean, if you’re trying to heal or tank in an offspec, it should make it hard if not impossible.

In short, I like my group content to be challenging to overcome and to require preparation and teamwork to beat.

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tl;dr 10char

If you are concerned that raiding won’t reflect the level of difficulty of the original, you are likely correct.

If you are playing Classic for high raid challenge, you aren’t going to get it. If you are playing Classic for the raids, I feel badly for you.

Classic is there to allow us to replay a stately, beautiful and engaging game that changed the gaming world at the time. It is not supposed to be a new game with fresh challenge.

For some of us, this all presents a positive. End gamers, people obsessed with the raid challenge above all else, will perhaps grow bored and leave.

Self Challenge is really the goal here, Its not about the game at all, its about your own personal level.

Remove your add-ons
Party with new people you don’t know
Help Random Guilds Achieve things they couldn’t do without you
Raiding is set to Challenge your Ability
Game is Set to Entertain you

What I do see with the forum is great It keeps a lot of us Entertained more Then the Game itself. It helps us all start to think better, put our words into a meaningful Focus others can understand , Compare & Contrast.

If your really displeased with WOW Experience or even Classic WOW remix, Maybe its Time for you to step away from wow. Don’t feel I am directing this at you , its for everyone.

In my own personal experience I took a Break from WOW after I got extremely board of the End Content, daily quests and Repeat Gearing for Reset PVP Tiers.
That is what WOW is, Some players Reroll new Classes others Roll to New games.

If Warcraft is going to continue to be a thing it needs to open its arms up to the community of new gamers, and the return of old ones. If you are really having a tough time enjoying what your given it means you have moved past all of it and you should be seeking a Different form of Entertainment to find your Personal Enjoyment once again.

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Yes, it’s because they didn’t want to spend time and money on pre-nerf content when most would still buy it anyways with post-nerf content.

have you ever lifted weights or worked out ? You need to up your level of weight to body build and you need to increase your calorie intake if your going to get stronger, its party of life.

Hardcore WOW is what a lot of people want, like Hardcore diablo, not to say you have to reset your char level every time you die, But that the challenge is difficult. That’s why they gave us those Heroic Instances, to challenge our ability.

Of course its “easy” when you have great gear you spent hours playing an know the instance an every pull, that is why its not Impossible , the issues really isn’t the game at all, the Issue is the Player evolving past the game. Failing to find Closure and to move on.

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You are completely missing the point. We are asking for an authentic difficulty progression, NOT to make the game hardcore. Pre-nerf MC won’t give experienced players much more trouble than post-nerf MC, but it will feel much more authentic to everyone.

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I have a solution for anyone wishing to experience classic just like vanilla. I sill be blindfolded and swing a bat** around. Now whoever wants to forget about 15 years of wow experience just has to walk head first into the way of the bat. BOOM no more remembering* wow.

*there is no guarantee that this will work and not just severely hurt you.

**I take no responsibility for anyone walking in the way of the bat and you lose all rights to press any charges or have any legal actions against me for walking into the way of a bat.

Come one come all for this miracle*** fix :relaxed: PST for more info.

***Miracles are not real and this most likely will not work.


Your right I am not seeing the point in the repeat experience but not to say its not note worthy thought for those who never experienced it. I am going to take the psychological appoarch to this.

Do you repeat the same thing over and over every day and not find it boring , its called “The Grind” some players have been Grinding for 15 years, others took a break and miss “The Grind” Those that took the break and miss will quickly remember why they stoped, its a part of our life.

Others will have a hard time wanting to ever leave it and some will never give it up an demand it gets more difficult, when they cant take the difficultly level they will beg it to be easier.
Really the only way this will work is if they Create Hardcore content server with double health mods , insanely crazy bosses and some how manage it via the Gear score players have.

Again it would be exploited by bringing under geared players into instances which would cause the Rating to drop, on the other side one over geared player could tip the scale and produce raid bosses that the Party can not Defeat.

my suggestion is Just be happy, if your not happy put the game down , find a new outlook, something to recapture that happyness you are missing in life.

Very well written man, thanks for your clairry and input :grin: Hope is not lost!

Will classic keyboard actions work like retail or vanilla?

if i recall correctly
vanilla actions were triggered upon release of the key
as opposed to
retail where the actions are triggered upon keystroke

should i start looking for an addon that will change it to keystroke or will that quality of life change be translated to classic?

Nice necro

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when they do this can they help me forget the one that got away?


This post bugs me. Some of you will never be satisfied. Don’t play if its not to your standard then.

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Well put, it still amazes me that half of the posts in this thread does not adreas thr issue at hand.

If all participants were to read the initial post carefully we would most likely have quality constructive posts!

It’s a museum recreation like the when they put humans with the dinosaurs.