⭐ Classic is Definitely not Vanilla

the 1.1.2 data is the only data they have, and they said they don’t wanna mess with it because it could mess everything up

Hey man, once again.

The purpose of this thread is not to discuss the “how” but the “what”.

What is possible and not, what nerf to reverse and not is up to the Blizz. Classic dev. team.

did you just log in once during 2015 after not playing since vanilla, or did you hit level 60 in 2015?

Edit: sorry I’m high, more curious than anything about why so many people say they played vanilla but didn’t, I didn’t, my first achieve was 2010, but most people who played vanilla had their first achieve launch 3.0

Logged on after not playing since Vanilla.

This character have not been played since 2006 :slight_smile:

ah ok, a lot of people are lying on here

Yeah unfortunatly…

did you play private servers? I think some of the easy feeling is because most PSs were way overtuned

If blizzard un-nerfed I would say nobody would be downing AQ40 for a bit.

Because blizzard never seen C’thun as unkillable. They stated some ppl believe he was.

Nah, never liked the idea of investing alot of time just to have it swiped away at any given moment.

coming to this discussion late, I agree with the OP 100%. Regarding people saying we are remembering the game wrong…NO WE ARE NOT. 1.12 is too easy. Those questioning our memories, IMO, have no idea what earlier vanilla was like. In conclusion , eff the dolts that squawk about memories not being right.


Right on brother :slight_smile:


Less synthetic. Well put.


Maybe so. We’re just speculating at this point, unless one just believes outright what blizz is telling us about their data, but my bet would be they have a decent amount with significant gaps. Required some educated guessing and fine tuning (even post classic launch) to get right. Which in turn requires funding that activision probably isnt authorizing.

The overarching point though is that it’s going to be far riskier to the success of classic if content and leveling is absolutely steamrolled than if they tried to recreate a morr difficult progression but messed up a few numbers here and there.

The irony of my position on this is that I didnt start until late 2006 which means i only played 1.12+. So in a sense I’m not even arguing for the re-creation of my original experience, to your point earlier. Otoh i did find the game difficult at first bc i had no idea what i was doing. Blizz cant recreate that naivete, but that can simulate it thru more challenging content.


Don’t bother with him. My quote is directly from blizzard and their classic panel. He knows this too. Just wants to view things his way and claim anyone who disagrees isn’t using critical thinking.


Here is the problem though, people have started moving the goal posts now that they have figured out their brain may not have been as reliable as they thought. From a development stand point I’m sure it takes planning and a goal in order for the thing not come off the rails.

When this thing started all people were yelling was for it to be accurate. People asked for it and Blizzard is trying their best to give it to them. The problem is we are figuring out that accurate is way easier than we all remember because we actually know what the heck we are doing and how the game functions.

Remember that whole " you think you do, but you don’t " bit? Sure they got nailed for it, and they should have, but maybe they weren’t as silly as we all believed at the time.

What we are figuring out is that people don’t actually want a fully accurate Vanilla ( or at least the patch in this case ) but what they want is an idealized version of what Vanilla was for them. This is the point I was trying to make in my earlier posts, whose idealized version are we going with? Everyone’s is different.

This is why Blizzard has picked a point in time they can recreate and are sticking with it. They know what the numbers are, they have a reference they can look back to and at the end of the day there can be no argument that it was what we had during 1.12.

I’d have loved a patch by patch progression, but they stated from the start that wasn’t going to happen, so there is no reason in wringing my hands over it.


Well, I don’t know about anybody else, but I would never have claimed to want a fully accurate vanilla patch 1.12.

I can live with it, though. If it does well, I would not be surprised if Blizz did try to re-create an old patch and maybe create a new server or two running it.


You personally might not have, but in the initially stages of this thing years ago that is what people were yelling for, because private servers weren’t accurate.

It may be a quote, but the message you’re pushing goes against the entire premise of capitalism. Businesses exist to make a profit by meeting consumer demands while minimizing costs.

Why do you think there are these threads complaining about layering if Blizzard is already quoted saying that they’re going to implement layering? Because if Blizzard perceives an issue as being severe enough to hurt bottom line, then they’ll make a change.


I agree with most of your post, but:

Sure, everyone is different. But there’s an “average player” or “most players”, and we actually have years of data to go off of.

Kronos 1 was relatively Blizzlike in terms of tuning and players constantly complained that it was too easy. Meanwhile, Nost was overtuned to have a healthy level of difficulty and became much more popular.

You can dodge the issue by talking about subjectivity, but it doesn’t mean that there isn’t an issue with 1.12 (dungeon/raid difficulty), that could definitely be improved.


Exactly this. One of the reasons why the #nochanges was so strong is because a lot of players had great experiences on Nost and other Nost-clones and they didn’t want Blizzard to screw it up, not realizing that group content was overtuned on these servers.