Popular culture? LOL, I don’t even know what that means.
Summer this year is June 21st to September 23rd. In the latest earnings call, they said Classic is dropping in the second half of the year. That begins July 1st, so they eliminated the last week of June.
As of right now, according to Blizzard, the current release date window is July 1st to September 23rd.
Look it up in the dictionary. Summer is commonly understood to be June-August. But it can also be defined astronomically as solstice to equinox. Either definition is correct. But most people think of June-August as the Summer months. And Sept-Nov as Fall.
“Summer is June through August” is also an equally factual statement. Meteorologists and the majority of the common folk define it as June-August. Astronomers define it as solstice to equinox. Neither are wrong.
en.wikipedia. org/wiki/summer
I would argue that the more commonly understood definition is more important here, because if it’s not out by the end of August, people will be pissed. Astronomers are not the primary audience. So a September release is probably less likely.
Beta test for 2 months sounds like a good and proper “soak” for Vanilla as it isn’t “new content” strictly speaking. It isn’t even a new client. The only thing new is the specific combination of data + client.