What are bg queue times like for Horde and Alliance?
Allies Q’s are like 5 mins… Horde Q’s are instant
If you are going to come to this realm you are too late. People broke off and formed another guild. Major division going on.
It seems that only streamers come here to give their platform a “fresh” feel. Really feel like locust. They come in, take what is good and and then leave. Its kind of sad to be honest.
How is Grob, that any good still?
I know that Era / WM cluster is excellent but its not RP.
damn what happened hordeside? alliance side is smaller but still gaining traction
honestly, there are just some real control freaks. “if you dont like it make your own guild” types
and what does that mean for transfers that were already made just waiting to unleash the gold on the economy?
There are sleeper bots on the realm too.
Nothing good can exist without bad.
Either ignore them or continue the growth.
But we have to remember, classic is as alive as the community makes it. If the realms are full of gate keeping sweats it’ll never be possible to make it popular. If it’s full of egotistic maniacs who just love control over progress then it’ll be stagnant.
My only issue with this community project is it’s at risk due to transfers that are only recently been cut off leaving sleepers with gold cap sitting in wait for the right moment to break the economy.
People use the word community a lot. It doesn’t seem like that at least on the horde side. A bunch of upper level toons made a new guild and left the lowbies. A few weeks in and the economy is messed up. The 60s are buying all the cheap stuff for their alts. Its really messed up.
Yep… At least with a cluster like warmane and mankrik it gets masked by more people.
If you want to see the full effects of how ERA economy and players are as a whole, sure join deviate delight and look at the auction house and the people who did hit 60 with pre bis or higher in their own guilds buying whatever is posted for cheap and selling high. For possibly one day where they re-enable transfers and they get some free consumes on their main characters.
Deviate Delight “Fresh” has been fun for the last week I’ve been playing on it. It’s generating a lot of interest.
True, there were some people who managed to get in before this happened. I even witnessed a few of them joining as the server was growing in popularity. Bots just have to continue to be mass reported when found. As for real transfers, it is what it is.
Not saying it is perfect by any means, just that it was cool to see some effort being put in to make it a more successful community event.
Would have been easier to just make 2 fresh realms with no transfers enabled between them or other realms.
I don’t understand this whole “fresh” movement. Download questie, download rested xp, blast through all the content and raid. who cares about fresh at that point? you missed the experience. Nevertheless, I am happy to have people around again to do dungeons and quest with, I just wish more people felt like the game started at level 1, as opposed to 60. that is all, rant over.
Not alot of us have that oak tree mentality and probably not alot of us that do this are over the age of 50.
Sorry man.
Agree with your attitude on it, and at the same time some people who play Classic it is all about optimizing the daylights out of every little detail and although that’s not my personal taste I get it. I guess that’s what old games ultimately become for better or worse.
What a major disappoint Alodar and this “fresh” guild have been. This whole server has really brought the worst in most of these people. Blizzard just sitting back and shaking their heads.
The server is eating itself
mostly on horde side, alliance side is still chill
That is probably why Blizzard does not bother with a “fresh” server.
They already know the outcome will be just another server taken over by
everything players were trying to get away from to begin with.
What’s the disappointment? Seems incredibly friendly and supportive compared to SoD or retail. It’s cool to see the server growing everyday, lots of lowbies leveling.