Classic & faction imbalance

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one of the main reasons we pushed for Grand Marshal/High Warlord was for the gear. But Alliance always got pwned by the Horde.
Do you think the Faction Imbalance will be horrible?

gumby this about you still:
I was afraid you weren’t going to show up, but then bam! There you were; all the buffs and AA. You never disappoint us!

Who is that guy. Holinka or someone? I see him everywhere.

Do you know you can

All yours buddy.

S t E a L T h

Pazu are you ok mate? You don’t seem yourself.

I’m fat .

stupid character limit post

i’ve been banned, suspended. I’m never going to get lvl 3

How the hell are we going to enjoy Classic without the original Classic Forum standards

Actually we need the original forums put back up, so we can practice the dark art of thread necromancy on all those old classic posts :slight_smile:

Faction balance is always horrible. It will never change.

Weird, but I remember Alliance usually steamrolling Horde because after 8 hours of a single AV match, Horde stopped signing up.

depends if blizz can make a buck off transfers