I sign the petition albeit my hopes are not up, I already engaged Customer Service on the very same issue.
They said they are Powerless. LOL… Cannot do this Cannot do that.
All they can do is give links to the website and smarty pants patronizing responses thinking that people will be impressed by the bad jokes and snarky remarks, like if we are children.
Very disappointed with Blizzard Support, they used to be much better back in the day.
If I was head of the Department responsible of planning this Upgrade to TBC, first of all I would do one of two things.
1st = Give a grace period to people to decide which Game they want to play. Not a one Choice and Damn you if you make a mistake raw deal as they did.
Give 1 weeks were people can select and deselect where to have their characters so people can make a more informed decision, see how Classic realms are if the game is playable if that is what they find fun etc.
B - Offer the cloning system in either of two ways, given the unique circumstances of Classic, given that we all came back to pay again for agame we already played before a second time.
1- Account wide cloning. This way people can clone all their characters in one account (many people have more than one anyways).
2- If not account wide then the on aper character service should clone the character beyond the 18th, and since it is paid. This way if some people select to remain in Classic era to finish up whatever they like in that Era before moving on they can pay and move on.
The way it was done now is inconsidered for the players and just plan greedy, I can picture them sitting in their desk trying to gain Red Tape Points rubbing their hands for all the money they will generate from the Upgrade and hope for nice corporate bonuses.
The worse was when one of the CS reps told me that, “Hey you know the players asked to have an experience like the Original TBC years ago so, we cannot reset any characters choice for which game to play”…ehh really?
And and in Original TBC we have those Character Boosts with Mounts I see for the first time too? Who are they trying to kid?
Abysmal CS, they are laughing at us on top of it.