Classic Era BUG: "World transfer aborted (reason: 30)" & LOGOUT_CANCEL

Hi all, I’m reporting this bug that is affecting the Classic Era community.

Whenever you tried to log out in a raid, but someone else in that raid either joins or leaves the raid group, it will cancel your logout. It’s extremely frustrating to deal with.

Please investigate and fix it, many Thanks.

"World transfer aborted (reason: 30)"

Screenshot of the bug here: https:// imgur. com/a/SFsj4M4

Source: thanks to Teelo for the screenshot and Meco for confirming it


Perhaps unrelated, but I’ve noticed a similar event occur when in a resting area. When joining/leaving a party at an Inn the :zzz: will be removed from your character. In order to regain it, you must manually leave and re-enter the resting area.


yes that too, at least 2 different times I logged off while in the inn and wondered why I had the countdown

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This bug still exists in Classic Era and is still annoying as heck when trying to log out of the game.


is anyone else still having this issue?

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I have not personally experienced this issue, but as I understand it is still a bug in the game.

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