Classic Elements into Retail

I like the slower pace of classic but I’m an “enjoy the journey” girl more than an “are we there yet” one.

They’ve already slowed down flying. And none. Classic is it’s own thing.
Retail needs to move forward, not look at classic.

Wrath of the lich king also had it with the kirin tor and i think a couple others also.

Yah i am that type as well. But in guy form. I like to experience the adventure aspect of the game on my way to the max lvl. I mea, for me, classic wow 1-60 overworld is probably one of the most notable, easy to decipher, general differences between retail and classic.

And i say add that back for chromie time. Wailing caverns is hated, but i never hated it. I was the best in there. And the original deadmines and shadowfang keep speak for themselves.

But there are a plethora of other differences. Classes were not homogenized back then, so you could not just spam abilities without running out of mana. And you could hybrid spec, and you cannot now. Enemies went all in with the hardcore RNG on whether they might dodge or parry or resist your attacks and you would die because you were just unlucky sometimes.

I miss the random chests with cloth silver bars and cheese inside lol. Idk why. Just the art of finding a chest and getting some silver, and some bolts of cloth and some mail boots every so often. And you no longer have to buy skills or really anything from weapon and class trainers anymore. Stuff like that made classic wow more involved

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I also miss the lack of RNG on random stats proccing on gear, and the more simplified difficulties of classic versions. Normal and heroic 5 mans. And normal and heroic 10 and 25 man raids. And your pvp stuff. And once you were done, you were done. Work on your few alts or whatever.

I blame scaling at lower lvls as a fault of the current game being so large in scope already, but i think the last 10 lvls should have scaling deleted, as that is where progression matters to the average player in retail. I mean, i do not feel like the average player wants to go through every single piece of content in order in order to get to max level. I am probably the only one who does do this. But i also feel like random stat proccing on gear should be deleted.

For both dungeons prior to M+ having a more important role (normal/heroic barely even have a reason to exist now), and for there to be more medium length to long dungeons.

I also wouldn’t mind some older style more straightforward raids without the laser-disco-twister-DDR thing that newer raids have going on… basically raids where people aren’t all stressed out and can chill and laugh on voice chat while doing them, even early on before getting them to farm stage. I haven’t seen that in raids in years, raiding has been all super srs bsnss for what feels like ages at this point.

Also simple, no-caveat stats would be nice to have back. I liked knowing that I was geared for something just by hitting 3-4 target numbers.

Man i also miss stat sticks and ammo and poisons. Hunters would run around with dual swords and a bow and a gun at all times. And my warrior would have a bow and a couple swords as well, enchanted, and i would have a scope on my warrior bow just because i felt like it.


On my new server so poor as hell experiment I had that NB hunter fly slow a good while.

I had better things to spend that gold on. Only got it when the coin purse wasn’t as light.

It was also a good way to motivate players into doing dungeon content, regardless of their item levels. :slight_smile: - Especially when a handful of reputations gave cool mounts.

I had the Wyrmrest Accord tabard and I still ran Dailies every day for turn ins. It depends how much rep is being rewarded, versus how much you need. I needed a LOT of reputation to get exalted back then - and a lot of other reputations I was also working on at the same time too.

The tabard rep system was very casual-player friendly, which Blizzard needs a lot more of these days.

Being able to kite World Bosses to ludicrous distances & different zones! :smiley:

None. They are gone for a reason. Classic is the game for you.

Tabards giving rep from running dungeons again would be awesome.

Heck, I’d be happy if they only gave rep from the bosses. Anything to give a little more rep!

…I don’t like world quests/hard-locked dailies… :expressionless:


The game evolved from Classic, it should not regress.

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I completely agree.
I’ve been playing in tbc and it’s nice to have that little excitement every other level and run back to the trainer to see what I learned this time. The first time back in tbc/classic I decided to play a mage for a bit and when I went oom I was like what the… Oh yeah mana management is a thing.

Everything is just more in tbc/classic. More classes feeling unique, more excitement to level and become more. More significance to earning your gold or finding a rare or a green because you work for it.

I wish I would have jumped on the classic bandwagon when it came back but I was feeling so “over” WoW at the time. I’m enjoying the hell out of tbc now though but it makes me sad to know it won’t last and it too will move closer to the retail. Maybe they will eventually get back to the better times.

I honestly feel like shadowlands had pretty good class design though. Over the years they over pruned and deleted so many abilities and content from the game. So i feel like shadowlands actually did pretty well with that.

I honestly went into classic, but i realized after awhile it was the old overworld that i missed the most. Classic was just to slow for me. I remember hitting like level 46 i believe. And i wasn’t really invested into bc when it was current in ike 2007. So now i am waiting on wrath of the lich king.

It is important to give credit where it is due, because there are alot of things about retail that are awesome as well. I also try to avoid bias, because i have played every version of the game. Overal, the game is still fun, but i do miss the aesthetics of the old game as well. Now you can port everywhere all day every day at any given point. Just feels like retail is way to automated and way to hyper casual and hyper fast.

I was always an intermediate fast kind of a guy. Wrath of the lich king was perfect for me. While i think the dungeon finder wasn’t the greatest, all i remember in classic wow was going through a razorfen kraul run, and people dropping out because it took to long. I think the developers and players alike vastly underestimated how slow classic actually was in the beginning. I mean, once the mages and all that got up there, then leveling was faster. It takes an average of 1-3 hours for a full dungeon clear at the lower lvls, and higher lvls took longer, specifically blackrock depths. This was one of the reasons i stopped playing. I think we underestimated how impatient people have become, and how much the internet has enabled that. And also how quickly nostalgia tends to shift faster and faster. I still do not feel like classic wow was nostalgiic, and i wish retail still functioned with the pacing wrath had at the very least. On top of this, min maxxing was insane in classic. Now how the developer’s intended for the game to be played when it first came out in 2004, when we could not know everything about anything by typing in some stuff into google.

I was always on that intermediate lvl in terms of pacing. And wrath was perfect. I just feel like retail has been oversimplified. I mean, the dungeon finder was one of the first few controversial oddities added into the game, but i feel it was ok. It was an ok amount of automation. I feel like now all i do is press buttons. Click this portal, click that portal. Go here in 10 seconds, go there in 10 seconds. I go out of my way to preserve the old days in retail. If i can use a zeppelin, i do that instead. Like there are several ways of getting to northrend now, but i always use the zeppelin. The music and all that brings me back. Wrath of the lich king was where min maxxing started to be honest. Everyone knew what the best routes towards the best gear was while lvling, or what the best talents to take were. Or which dungeons gave the most experience. Whatever. I think min maxxing is fine, but i do feel like retail has to much automation.

Cataclysm had the revamp, and i mean, it would have been fine if the old classic 1-60 overworld had complimented it. I always feel like it should not have been deleted.

The risk of dying in the open world. It’s impossible to not die without pulling stupid amounts of stuff (even on mage), once you get to normal raid gear.

uh no pls
don’t fly if u want to admire the world

This is what i do, especially in the classic revamp 1-60 zones, and plaes like orgrimmar. Or if i had the option, the original classic wow 1-60 overworld dungeons quests and zones. I just did not feel like flying fit the game back then, or even now.

I am just hoping that classic wow 1-60 overworld comes back to retail for chromie time. Would be amazing.